Engelsk-Tysk ordbok »

what betyder på tyska

What line are you in?

In welcher Branche ist?

What may he have imagined?

Was mag er sich wohl gedacht haben?

What next? [UK: ˈwɒt nekst]
[US: ˈhwʌt ˈnekst]

Was nun?◼◼◼

Was denn noch?

Was sonst noch?

What nonsens!

Was für Unsinn!◼◼◼

What nonsense!

Was für Unsinn!◼◼◼

what number


what of


What of it!

Was ist schon dabei?

what one learns at school noun

die Schulkenntnisse [—; die Schulkenntnisse]Substantiv

What page

Auf welcher Seite, bitte?

What remains to be done?

Was kann man noch tun?◼◼◼

What sense!

Was für eine Unverschämtheit!

What size do you take? [UK: ˈwɒt saɪz duː juː teɪk]
[US: ˈhwʌt ˈsaɪz ˈduː ˈjuː ˈteɪk]

Welche Größe haben Sie?

What would you like? [UK: ˈwɒt wʊd juː ˈlaɪk]
[US: ˈhwʌt ˈwʊd ˈjuː ˈlaɪk]

Was darf es sein?◼◼◼

Was soll es sein?◼◼◻

What's all this good for?

Was soll der Unsinn?

What's behind all this?

Was steckt dahinter?◼◼◼

What's bothering you?

Wo drückt es dich denn?

What's gotten into you?

Was ist in dich gefahren?◼◼◼

What's he driving at?

Worauf will er hinaus?

what's-his-name thingummy


what's-his-name thingummy noun

der die das Dingsda [des Dingsda, der Dingsda, des Dingsda; —]Substantiv

What's it about?

Worum handelt es sich?◼◼◼

What's it all about?

Um was handelt es sich?

What's on your mind?

Was haben Sie auf dem Herzen?◼◼◼

Wo drückt es dich denn?

What's that to me?

Was geht das mich an?◼◼◼

What's the big idea? Are you crazy?

Was fällt Ihnen denn ein?

what's the difference!

Was macht das schon aus!

What's the fare?

Was kostet die Fahrt?

What's the matter now?

Was ist denn schon wieder los?

What's the matter with you? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə ˈmæ.tə(r) wɪð juː]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈmæ.tər wɪθ ˈjuː]

Was ist (mit) Ihnen?

What's the matter? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə ˈmæ.tə(r)]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈmæ.tər]

Was ist (denn) los?

What's the meaning of this? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə ˈmiːn.ɪŋ əv ðɪs]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈmiːn.ɪŋ əv ðɪs]

Was soll das heißen?

What's the news? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə njuːz]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈnuːz]

Was gibt es Neues?◼◼◼

Was gibt's Neues?

What's the occasion?

Was ist der Anlass?◼◼◼

What's the odds? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə ɒdz]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈɑːdz]

Was macht es schon aus?