Engelsk-Tysk ordbok »

what betyder på tyska

What's the pitch?

Was ist los?

What's the point of that?

Was soll das?

What's the rush?

Was eilen Sie so?

What's the trouble? [UK: ˈwɒts ðə ˈtrʌb.l̩]
[US: ˈhwʌts ðə ˈtrʌb.l̩]

Was ist los?

What's the use anyhow!

Wem nützt das schon!

What's the use anyhow?

Was nützt das schon?

What's the use of it?

Wozu ist es gut?

What's to be done with it?

Was soll damit geschehen?

What's up (wrong) with you?

Was fehlt Ihnen denn?

What's up? [UK: ˈwɒts ʌp]
[US: ˈhwʌts ʌp]

Was ist los?◼◼◼

Was geht hier vor?◼◻◻

What's wrong with you?

Was ist los mit dir?◼◼◼

What's your main job?

Was machen Sie hauptberuflich?

What's your opinion?

Was ist ihre Ansicht?

what`s noun

was [des wessen; —]Substantiv



whatd'you-call-it noun

der die das Dingsda [des Dingsda, der Dingsda, des Dingsda; —]Substantiv

whatever [UK: wɒt.ˈev.ə(r)]
[US: hwʌt.ˈev.r̩]


Whatever do you want?

Was willst du denn?

Whatever I might do ...

Was ich auch immer tun mag ...

whatnot noun
[UK: ˈwɒt.nɒt]
[US: ˈwət.ˌnɑːt]

der die das Dingsbums [des Dingsbums, der Dingsbums, des Dingsbums; —]Substantiv

whatnots noun

die DingsbumseSubstantiv

a wo! so what! noun

ach [des ach, des ach; die achy]Substantiv

about what aboutwhat


after what


against what


And what more do you want?

Und was wünschen Sie noch?

at what


behind what?


by what


Denken ist G !: that's what you think! noun

die GlücksacheSubstantiv

for what [UK: fɔː(r) ˈwɒt]
[US: ˈfɔːr ˈhwʌt]


For what reason?

Aus welchem Grund?◼◼◼

from what


FWIW : for what it's worth

wozu immer es auch gut sein mag

He's got what it takes.

Er ist nicht ohne.

I didn't quite catch what you said.

Ich habe Sie akustisch nicht verstanden.

I don't know what to say.

Ich bin sprachlos.

I fail to see what you mean.

Ich begreife nicht, was Sie meinen.

I told him what was most important.

Ich teilte ihm das Wichtigste mit.