Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

venae betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
venae emissariae infoemissary veins, connect the extracranial venous system with the intracranial venous sinuses

venae emissariaeinfoemissarieven i skalle, struktur vena emissaria mastoidea, struktur

alhasi bőrvénák [venae cutaneae abdominis] infoveins in the abdominal skin

vener i abdomen

alsó üresvéna nyílása [foramen venae cavae [inferioris]] infoforamen for inferior vena cava

öppning för nedre hålvenen

Budd-Chiari-szindróma [thrombosis venae hepaticae] infoBudd-Chiari syndrome, the hepatic veins are blocked or narrowed by a clot

Budd-Chiaris syndrom

centrális véna nyomása [tensio venae centralis] infocentral venous pressure [CVP], the blood pressure in the venae cavae

centralt ventryck [CVT]

centrális véna trombózisa [thrombosis venae centralis] infocentral vein thrombosis

centralvenstrombos -en -er

centrálisvéna-katéter [tubus venae centralis] infocentral venous catheter, a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into a vein, usually below the right collarbone, and guided into a large vein above the right side of the heart, the superior vena cava

central venkateter [CVK]

centrálisvéna-trombosis [thrombosis venae centralis] infocentral venous thrombosis

central ventrombos

combvéna trombózis [thrombosis venae femoralis] infofemoral vein thrombosis, a clot in the long vein in the thigh

lårventrombos -en -er

CVK [catheter venae cantralis] infoCVC, central venous catheter is a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into a vein

CVKinfoCentral venkateter

CVN [tensio venae centralis] infoCVP, central venous pressure, the blood pressure in the venae cavae, near the right atrium of the heart


diploe-vénák [venae diploicae] infodiploe veins, veins of Breschet, intraosseous venous vessels immersed in the diploë

diploe venerinfovenerna i skallens diploe

elvezető véna [venae vorticosae] infovorticose veins, referred to clinically as the vortex veins, drain the ocular choroid

vorticose ven

elzáródott köldökvéna maradványa máj görgetegszalagjában [chorda venae umbilicalis] infoumbilical cord, a cordlike structure connecting the fetus with the placenta during pregnancy

bindvävsomvandlad återstod av v. umbilicalis

elülső- és hátulsó üresvéna pitvari szájadéka [ostium venae cavae cranialis et caudalis] infosuperior and inferior vena cava ostium

förmaksmynning av främre och bakre hålvenen

farki kardinális vénák · hátulsó kardinális vénák [venae cardinales caudales] infocaudal cardinal veins, posterior cardinal veins very insignificant. Their strongest branch comes from the spine, namely the fourth thoracic vertebra and its immediate vicinity

kardinala vener

hajas fejbőr véna trokár [trocar[t] venae] [T] infoscalp vein trocar

skalpvensnål -en -ar

heresérv [heresérv visszeres kötegekkel] [hernia venae scrotalis, varicokele] infotesticular hernia with varicose veins

åderbrock i pungeninfotestikelbråck med åderbuntar

heresérv visszeres kötegekkel [hernia venae scrotalis, orchiokele, orchokele, porokele, varicokele] infovaricose veins in the scrotum

åderbråck i pungen

heresérv · here-értágulatsérv [hernia venae scrotalis, orchiokele, orchokele, varicokele] infovaricocele, an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds the scrotum

pungåderbråck -etinfopungåderbrock, varikocele

herevisszeresség · varicokele [hernia venae scrotalis, varicokele] infovaricocele, enlargement of the veins within the scrotum

varicocele -tinfovarikocele, åderbråck i venerna i pungen

hátulsó üres véna redője [plica venae cavae] infofold of vena cava

pleuraveck -et -

jobboldali tüdőgyűjtő erek · jobboldali tüdővénák [venae pulmonales dextrae] inforight pulmonary veins, right lung veins, blood vessels that transfer freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atria of the heart

högra pulmonella vener

koponyán kívüli vénák [venae extracraniales] infoextracranial veins

vener utanför skallen

kriosztripping [véna eltávolítása, letépése fagyaszó szondával] [denudatio venae per cryochirurgiam] infocryostripping, an alternative method of conventional stripping

cryostripping -en -ar

köldökvéna-katéter [catheter venae umbilicalis] infoumbilical artery catheterization affords direct access to the arterial blood supply and allows accurate measurement of arterial blood pressure, serves as a source of arterial blood sampling, and provides intravascular access for fluids and medications

navelvenskateter -n navelvenskatetrar

magzati összeköttetés a venae umbilicales és a vena cava inferior között [ductus venosus Arantii] infoductus venosus of Arantius, shunts a portion of umbilical vein blood flow directly to the inferior vena cava in the fetus

förbindelse mellan vena umilicalis och vena cava inferior i fostret

mesenteriális vénaembólia [embolia venae mesenterilis] infomesenteric venous thromboembolism, VTE, is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a mesenteric vein

mesenterialvensemboli -n -er

mesenteriális vénatrombózis [thrombosis venae mesenterialis] infomesenteric vein thrombosis, mesenteric venous thrombosis, MVT, a disorder in which a local blood coagulation impairs the venous return of the bowel

mesenterialvenstrombos -en -er

májkapu gyűjtőérgyulladása [inflammatio portae venae, phlebitis venae portae] infophlebitis of portal vein

flebit av portaven

májvénatrombózis · Budd-Chiari-szindróma [thrombosis venae hepaticae] infohepatic vein thrombosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, obstruction of this vein can be caused by a tumor or growth pressing on the vessel, or by a clot in the vessel

levervenstrombos -en -er

nyakigyűjtőér-pangás · nyakivéna-pangás [statis venae cervicalis] infocervical venous stasis

halsvenstas -en -er

nyakszirti vénás összeköttetések [venae emissariae occipitales] infoemissary veins, valveless venous structures that connect the extracranial vessels of the scalp to the intracranial dural venous sinuses and diploic veins

occipitala venösa förbindelser

retinagyűjtőér-elzáródás · retinavéna-elzáródás [occlusio venae retinae] inforetinal vein occlusion, RVO, a common vascular disorder of the retina

retinalvensocklusion -en -er

retinavéna-elzáródás [occlusio venae retinae] inforetinal vein occlusion, RVO, a blockage in a small blood vessel that carries blood away from the retina. Symptoms include blurry vision

näthinnevensocklusion -en -er

torkolati véna lüktetése [pulsus venae jugularis] infojugular vein pulsation

jugularisvenpuls -en -ar

tüdővéna-ablatio [ablatio venae pulmonalis] infopulmonary vein isolation ablation, a minimally invasive procedure to treat atrial fibrillation, Afib

lungvensablation -en -er

vena cava emboliája [embolia venae cavae] infocaval thrombosis

vena cava emboli

vena cava rendszer [systema venae cavae] infovena cava system

vena cava system

vena femoralis gyulladása [phlebitis venae femoralis] infophlebitis of the femoral vein

vena femoralis flebit