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kinezin [vezikulákat és organellumokat a mikrotubulusok mentén irányítottan transzportáló elnyújtott alakú fehérje. atpáz] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
kinezin infokinesin, biological motor protein that is ATP-dependent and function to assist cells with the transport of molecules along microtubules

kinesin -etinfoprotein som bidrar till transporter i celler i eukaryoter

fehérje [albuminum, proteinum] infoegg white

äggvita -n äggvitorinfoproteinmaterial

elnyújtott krízis [crisis protractus] infoprotract crisis, a significant portion of a population is facing a heightened risk of death, disease, and breakdown of their livelihoods

fördröjd kris

emlő alakú [mastoideus] infobreast-shaped

bröstvårtsliknandeinfobröstvårteliknande, som liknar bröstvårtorna, mastoid

sejthálózat alakú [cellretiform] infoshape of a cell network, retiform

cellnätformig -t -a

C-alakú [sigmoide[u]s] infoC-shaped

C-formig -t -a

retinolkötő fehérje [RBP] inforetinol binding protein [RBP], a 21-kDa protein that is hepatically synthesized and responsible for transporting vitamin A from the liver to other tissues

retinolbindande protein [RBP]infoprotein som bl.a. annat har förmåga att binda retinol [A-vitamin]

vazopresszinkötő fehérje infovasopressin-binding protein

vasopressin-bindande proteininfoneurophysin II

aktinkötegelő fehérje [villin] infoactin binding protein

aktinbindande proteininfoaktinbindande protein

biotinkötő fehérje [streptavidin] infostreptavidin, bacterial protein that binds with high affinity to the vitamin biotin

biotin-bindande protein

VPg fehérje infoVpg protein, viral protein genome-linked, protein that is covalently attached to the 5′ end of positive strand viral RNA

Vpg proteininfofosfat-bindande i genomet med lågmolekylärt protein

lipidszállító fehérje [apolipoprotein] infoapolipoprotein, protein that binds lipids [oil-soluble substances such as fats, cholesterol and fat soluble vitamins] to form lipoproteins

lipid transport proteininfoapolipoproteiner

juhtrofoblaszt fehérje infoovine trophoblastic protein-1, oTP-1, an early secretory protein of the sheep blastocyst

ovint trofoblast protein [OTP]

tumorszupresszor-fehérje [tumor suppressor protein] infotumor suppressor protein

tumörsuppressorprotein -et -er

ondóhólyag-fehérje infoseminal vesicle protein

sädesblåsprotein -et -er

tau-fehérje infotau-protein, a negative regulator of mRNA translation in Drosophila, mouse, and human brain

tau-protein -et -er

víruskapszid fehérje infocapsid-protein, viral envelope protein

viral höljets protein

bakteriális fehérje [proteinum bacteriale] infobacterial protein

bakterieprotein -et -er

savas fehérje [pl. syntonin] [acidalbuminat] infoacid albumin

digestions-syntonin -er

vérnyomáscsökkentő fehérje [antihypertensive protein] infoantihypertensive protein

antihypertensivt protein

savas fehérje [pl. syntonin] [acidalbuminatum] infoacidic protein, acidalbuminate

acidalbuminat -et

gomba alakú papilla [papilla fungiformis] infofungiform papilla, club shaped projections on the tongue, generally red in color

svampformig papillinfoå tungan

gömb alakú baktérium [coccus] infospherical bacterium, a coccus

coccus -en cocci

trapéz alakú test [corpus trapezoideum] infotrapezoid body, part of the auditory pathway where some of the axons coming from the cochlear nucleus decussate

trapezoidkropp -en -ar

korong alakú méhlepény [placenta discoidea] infodiscoid placenta, part of the chorion remains smooth, while the other part interacts with the endometrium to form the placenta

skivformig moderkaka

gyűrű alakú záróizom [constrictor] infoconstrictor, a muscle whose contraction narrows a vessel or passage

ringformig slutmuskel

ék alakú mag [nucleus cuneiformis] infocuneate nucleus, a part of the brainstem

cuneiformis-kärna -n cuneiformis-kärnor

gomba alakú nyelvszemölcs [papilla fungiformis lingualis] infopapilla fungiformis lingualis, Projections of mucous membrane of

fungiform tungpapill

horgony alakú heg [cicatrix ancoraeformis] infoanchor-shaped scar, anchor breast lift

ankarformat ärrinfoett snitt runt areolan rakt ner och i vecket under bröstet

kúp alakú lencseburjánzás [cataracta pyramidalis] infopyramidal cataract, unusual conical opacity that project into the anterior chamber from the anterior capsule of the lens

pyramidal katarakt

hódfarok alakú polírozó [T] infotooth burnisher with tapered cone

tand-burnisher med koniska kotten

hólyag alakú csíra [blastula] infoblastula, an animal embryo at the early stage of development when it is a hollow ball of cells

blåsformad grodd

pillangó alakú kiütés [lupus erythematosusban] infobutterfly rash in lupus erythematosus

fjärilsutslag -et -infoutslag i ansiktet på kinder o. näsben

ív alakú mag [nucleus arcuatus] infoarcuate nucleus of the hypothalamu,s an aggregation of neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus

arcuatuskärna -n arcuatuskärnor

patkó alakú retinaszakadás infohorseshoe tears, flap or U-shaped tears, full thickness breaks in the neurosensory retina that occur secondary to vitreo-retinal traction

hästskoruptur -en -erinfohästskoformat hål i retina

pálcika alakú baktérium [bacillus] infochopstick-shaped bacterium

bacill -en -er

szabálytalan alakú vörösvértest [poikilocyta] infopoikilocyte, an abnormally shaped red blood cell

onormalt förändrad röd blodkropp

galaktóz-glukózkötő fehérje [galactose-glucose binding protein] infoprotein binding of glucose and galactose

galactos glukos-bindande proteininfoglukos-galaktos-protein

DNS-kötő fehérje infoDNA-binding protein

DNA-bindande protein

androgént kötő fehérje infoandrogen binding protein, ABR

ABPinfoAndrogenbindande protein