Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

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UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
brachialis plexus neuritis [neuritis plexus brachialis] infobrachial plexus neuritis, a form of peripheral neuropathy that affects the chest, shoulder, arm and hand

brakialplexusneurit -en -er

brachialis-plexus neuropátia [neuropathia plexus brachialis] infobrachial plexus neuropathy [BPN], nerves in the upper shoulder area become damaged

brakialplexusneuropati -[e]n -er

brachialis-plexus · karfonat · karidegfonat [plexus brachialis] infobrachial plexus, a network of nerves that provides movement and feeling to the shoulder, arm and hand

brakialplexus -en brakialplexa

brachialis-plexus · karfonat · karidegfonat [plexus brachialis] infobrachial plexus, network of nerves that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand

överarmsfläta -n överarmsflätor

brachignátia · állkapocs rövidülés [f.r.] [brachygnathia] infobrachygnathia, overbite, overshot, overjet, short lower jaw, or parrot mouth in horses

brakygnati -n -er

brachiális · karhoz tartozó [brachialis] infobrachial

brachial -t -a

Brachmann-de Lange-szindróma · Cornelia Brachmann de Lange-szindróma [f.r.] [syndroma Brachmann-de Langesi] infoBrachmann de Lange syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome [CdLS], Bushy syndrome, Amsterdam dwarfism

Brachmann-de Langes syndrom

brachyterápia [BT] infobrachytherapy, implant radiation therapy, internal radiation therapy, and radiation brachytherapy

brakiterapi -n -er [BT]

brachyterápia · közelbesugárzás [brachytherapia] infobrachytherapy, treatment of cancer [prostate cancer] by the insertion of radioactive implants directly into the tissue

brakyterapi -ninfobrackyterapi, brachyterapi, inre strålbehandling, brachyterapi, behandling med förseglad strålkälla

bradi… · lassú… [pl. érverés] [brady…] infobrady…, slow…


bradifágia · igen lassú evés [bradyphagia] infobradyphagia, abnormally slow eating

bradyfagi -n -er

bradikardia · lassú szívverés [bradycardia, oligocardia] infobradycardia, a heart rate that's too slow

bradykardi -n

bradikardia · lassú szívverés · ritkult szívverés [bradycardia, oligocardia] infobradycardia, a slow heart rate

långsam hjärtrytm

bradikinin [Bradychininum] infobradykinin, a peptide in blood plasma that dilates blood vessels and causes contraction of smooth muscles

bradykinin -et

bradipnoé · ritka légvétel [bradypnoe] infobradypnea, an abnormally slow breathing rate

bradypné -

bradipsziché [bradypsyche] infobradypsychia, slowness of thought or mental activity

bradypsychia -n

branchio-oculo-facialis-szindróma [f.r.] [syndroma branchiooculofacialis, BOFS] infobranchio-oculo-facialis syndrome [BOFS], genetic disorder with defects of the head and neck

brankiookulofacialt syndrom [BOFS]

branchiogen · kopoltyúívből kiinduló [branchyogen] infobranchiogen, originates in the branchial arches

brankiogen -t -a

branchiogén ciszta [cysta branchyogena] infobranchiogenic cyst, a thin-walled cyst or out-pouching ['bud'] of tissue

brankiogen cyst

branchiogén ciszta [f.r.] [cysta branchialis] infobranchiogenic cyst

branchial cysta

branchioma [branchioma, branchial cleft cyst] infobranchioma, a tumor derived from branchial tissues

brankiom -et

branchiális fissura [fissura branchialis] infobranchial fissure, a deep cleft in the surface of a tooth

brankial fissur

branchiális fistula · branchiális sipoly [f.r.] [fistula branchialis, fistula auris congenita] infobranchia fistula, results from breakdown of the endoderm, usually in the second pouch

brankial fistel

branchiális fogak [dentes branchiales] infobranchial teeth, the teeth on the basibranchial bone, behind the tongue and between the gills

brankiala tänder

branchiális szerv [organum branchiale] infobranchial organ

brankialt organinfobrankiogent organ

Brandt-szindróma [f.r.] [acrodermatitis enteropathica] infoBrandt syndrome, congenital zinc deficiency

Brandt syndrominfoen typ av acrodermatitis inträffar i barndomen

Branemark implantátum [implantatum Branemarki] [T] infoBranemark implant, the first type of dental implant, made of pure titanium

Branemark implantat

branül · perifériás vénakanül infoVenflon, intravenous cannula, small flexible plastic tube that is inserted through the skin into one of the veins


Brauer-műtét [cardiolysis] infoBrauer operation of cardiolysis

kardiolys -en -erinfofridissektion av hjärtat vid sammanväxningar

Brauer-műtét [cardiolysis] infocardiolysis, surgery to break up adhesions in chronic mediastinopericarditis

Brauer-operation -en -er

brazil purpurás láz [P: Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius, Hae] infoBrazilian purpuric fever [BPF]

systemisk Haemophilus aegyptius-infektion

brazíliai pemphigus [pemphigus foliaceus braziliensis] infofogo selvagem, endemic pemphigus foliaceus, an autoimmune blistering disease, a variant of pemphigus foliaceus with a unique epidemiological profile

fogo selvagem

…fibrát [fibratum] info… fibrate

…fibrat -en -er

…fibrát [fibratum] info… lipanthyl

…lipanthyl -en

'garattasak' [bursa pharyngea, recessus pharyngealis, recessus branchialis, recessus tubotympanicus] infopharyngeal bursa, Luschka bursa, above the pharyngeal tonsil, in the middle line, an irregular flask-shaped depression of the mucous membrane

svalgficka -n svalgfickorinfofaryngeal påse, gälficka

a dobhártya középső behúzódó része [umbo membran[a]e tympanicae] infoumbo of the ympanic membrane, the point where the bottom end of the manubrium forms the center of the eardrum

den mittersta mest inbuktade delen av trumhinnan

a IV. agykamra elülső felét [crura cerebelli ad corporam quadrigeminam] közrefogó két kar [crus cerebellocerebrale, brachium conjunctivum] infothe two arms holding together the front half of the cerebral ventricle IV

övre cerebellära stjälkar

a legalsó lumbalis csigolya [vertebra basilaris] infothe lowest lumbar vertebra, L5

den lägsta ländkotan

a nyaki gerincoszlop ficama [dislocatio columnae vertebralis cervicalis] infodislocation of cervical spine

dislokation av halskotpelaren

a proximális kamra legbelső izomrétege · hurokizmok [fibrae obliquae] infoinnermost muscle layer of the proximal ventricle

innersta muskelskiktet i proximala ventrikeln