Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

alsó ferde szemizom [musculus obliquus inferior] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
alsó ferde szemizom [musculus obliquus inferior] infoinferior oblique eye muscle, occupies the inferior aspect of the orbit, encircling the lower portion of the eyeball, the action of it is to elevate and abduct the eyeball

nedre sneda ögonmuskeln

alsó ferde szemizom [musculus obliquus inferior] infolower oblique eye muscle, esponsible for extorsion, elevation, and abduction

musculus obliquus inferior

az alsó ferde szemizom [musculus obliquus inferior] infoinferior oblique muscle, a thin, narrow muscle of the eye

den nedre sneda ögonmuskeln