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allograft [azonos fajú egyedből a másikba átültett szövet] [allograft, homograft] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
allograft-rejectio [allograft-rejectio] infoallograft rejection, occurs as a result of recipient immune response to donor heart antigens

allograft avvisande

allograft · homograft infoallograft, homograft, a graft of tissue from a donor of the same species as the recipient

allograft -en -erinfoförflyttad vävnad från en individ till en annan

alloplasztikus implantátum [allograft, implantatum alloplasticum] infoalloplastic implant, artificial implant

alloplastiskt implantatinfomaterial implanterat från en främmande art

allotranszplantátum [allograft, xenograft, allotransplantatum] infoallograft, the transplant of an organ, tissue, or cells from one individual to another individual of the same species who is not an identical twin

allotransplantat -et -infoallograft, homolog transplantat, xenograf, vävnad, cell, organ transplanterade mellan genetiskt olika individer av samma art