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ermeni meaning in English

Ermeni noun

Armenian [Armenians](person)
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Ermeni adjective

Armenian(of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet)
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Ermeni Kırımı proper noun

Armenian genocide(the genocide of Armenians)
proper noun

Ermeni Soykırımı proper noun

Armenian genocide(the genocide of Armenians)
proper noun

Ermenice proper noun

proper noun
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti proper noun

Republic of Armenia(official name of Armenia)
proper noun
[UK: rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ɑː.ˈmiː.niə] [US: ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv arˈmiː.niə]

Ermenistan SSC proper noun

Armenian SSR(Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, see also: Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic)
proper noun

Ermenistanlı noun

Armenian [Armenians](person)
[UK: ɑː.ˈmiː.niən] [US: arˈmiː.niən]

Batı Ermenicesi proper noun

Western Armenian(language)
proper noun

Büyük Ermenistan proper noun

Greater Armeniaproper noun

Doğu Ermenicesi proper noun

Eastern Armenian(language)
proper noun

Eski Ermenice proper noun

Old Armenian(language)
proper noun