Synonym-English dictionary »

matrix synonyms in English

matrix noun

ground substancenoun

intercellular substancenoun

matrix noun
generic term

correlation matrixnoun

dot matrixnoun

real matrixnoun

square matrixnoun


matrix operation noun
generic term

matrix additionnoun

matrix inversionnoun

matrix multiplicationnoun

matrix transpositionnoun

matrix printer noun

dot matrix printernoun

dot printernoun

matrix printer adjective


matrix printer noun
generic term

ink-jet printernoun

stylus printernoun

wire matrix printernoun

wire printernoun

characteristic root of a square matrix noun


eigenvalue of a matrixnoun

eigenvalue of a square matrixnoun

diagonal matrix noun
generic term

scalar matrixnoun

dot matrix printer noun

dot printernoun

matrix printernoun

dot matrix printer adjective


dot matrix printer noun
generic term

ink-jet printernoun

stylus printernoun

wire matrix printernoun

wire printernoun

eigenvalue of a matrix noun

characteristic root of a square matrixnoun


eigenvalue of a square matrixnoun

eigenvalue of a square matrix noun

characteristic root of a square matrixnoun


eigenvalue of a matrixnoun

identity matrix noun

unit matrixnoun

nonsingular matrix noun

singular matrixnoun

passive matrix display noun
generic term

dual scan displaynoun

scalar matrix noun
generic term

identity matrixnoun

unit matrixnoun