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halvö meaning in English

halvö [~n ~ar] substantiv

peninsula [peninsulas](piece of land projecting into water)
[UK: pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]
Italy is a peninsula. = Italien är en halvö.

Antarktiska halvön proper noun

Antarctic Peninsula(the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica)
proper noun

Apenninska halvön proper noun

Italian Peninsula(peninsula)
proper noun

Arabiska halvön proper noun

Arabian Peninsula(peninsula in the Middle East)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈreɪb.iən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: ə.ˈreɪb.iən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Balkanhalvön proper noun

Balkan Peninsula(peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans)
proper noun
[UK: ˈbɒlkən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: ˈbɒlkən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Iberiska halvön proper noun

Iberia(region south of the Pyrenees)
proper noun
[UK: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə] [US: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə]

iberiska halvön proper noun

Iberian Peninsula(peninsula)
proper noun
[UK: aɪ.ˈbɪə.riən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Kolahalvön proper noun

Kola Peninsula(peninsula in Russia)
proper noun

Koreahalvön proper noun

Korean Peninsula(peninsula)
proper noun

Krimhalvön proper noun

Crimean peninsula(peninsula, see also: Crimea)
proper noun

Krimhalvön proper noun

Crimea(peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula)
proper noun
[UK: kraɪ.ˈmiːə] [US: kraɪ.ˈmiːə]

Pyreneiska halvön proper noun

Iberia(region south of the Pyrenees)
proper noun
[UK: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə] [US: aɪ.ˈbɪ.riə]

Skandinaviska halvön proper noun

Scandinavian Peninsula(peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia)
proper noun
[UK: ˌskæn.dɪ.ˈneɪ.vɪən pə.ˈnɪn.sjʊ.lə] [US: ˌskæn.də.ˈneɪ.viən pə.ˈnɪn.sə.lə]

Yucatánhalvön proper noun

Yucatán(a peninsula in North America)
proper noun