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germansk meaning in English

germansk [~t ~a] adjektiv

Germanic(relating to the Germanic peoples)
[UK: dʒə.ˈmæ.nɪk] [US: dʒər.ˈmæ.nɪk]
French is a Romance language and English is a Germanic language. = Franska är ett romanskt språk och engelska är ett germanskt.

germanska proper noun

Germanic(early language, see also: Proto-Germanic)
proper noun
[UK: dʒə.ˈmæ.nɪk] [US: dʒər.ˈmæ.nɪk]

urgermanska ~n proper noun

Proto-Germanic(hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language, see also: Germanic)
proper noun
[UK: ˈprotə dʒə.ˈmæ.nɪk] [US: ˈprotə dʒər.ˈmæ.nɪk]