Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
svart fläckighet

feketpettyesség [P: Posthodiplostomum cuticola mételylárva] [melanosis verminosa]infomelanosis, black spot, 'pigment spot', one of the most common diseases of marine and freshwater fishes

svart piedra

fekete piedra [P: Piedraia hortae]infoblack piedra, black-colored nodules in the tropics, especially in individuals with long hair and poor scalp hygiene

svart substans

Soemmering-mag [nucleus niger, substantia nigra Soemmeringi]infosubstantia nigra, black nucleus, a large gray matter structure of the mesencephalon

svarta haemoglobinprickar i erytrocyter

Heinz-Ehrlich-féle testekinfoHeinz bodies, Heinz-Ehrlich bodies, inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin

svarta kärnans kompakta del

a fekete mag kompakt része [substantia nigra, pars compacta, SNc]infocompact part of the substantia nigra, SNpc, one of two subdivisions of the substantia nigra of the midbrain

svarta kärnans luckra del

a fekete mag laza része [substantia nigra, pars reticulata, SNr]infoloss of the substantia nigra, a loss of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra leads to Parkinson disease

svartkopp -en -or

vértartalmú himlőhólyaginfohemorrhagic smallpox, hemorrhage into the mucous membranes and the skin

svartpest -en -er

pestises szeptikémia [P: Yersinia pestis] [pestis septikaemica]infosepticemic plague, a systemic disease involving infection of the blood and is most commonly spread by bites from infected fleas

svartskorv hos gris infoexudativ epidermit, svarteksem

sertés exsudatív bőrgyulladása [P: Staphylococcus hyicus] [epidermitis exudativa]infoexudative epidermitis, EE, 'greasy pig disease', a generalized or localized skin disease of piglets characterized by exfoliation, sebaceous exudation, and formation of a crust that may cover the entire body

svartvattenfeber -n svartvattenfebrar infoen komplikation till malaria: falciparummalaria

feketevíz-betegség · feketevíz-láz [Falciparum malaria haemoglobinuriával]infoblackwater fever, BWF, a severe clinical syndrome, intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, acute renal failure

amidosvart [ett]

amido feketeinfoamido black 10B, an amino acid staining azo dye used in biochemical research to stain for total protein

rädsla för en svart penis

fekete pénisztől való félelem [hippopotonegrophallophobia]infofear of a black penis