Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

pulpa betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
nekros av pulpa

pulpanekrózis [necrosis pulpae]infopulp necrosis, the pulp tissue inside of the tooth dies

nekrotiserad pulpa infonekrotisk pulpa

elhalt pulpa [pulpa necrotica]infonecrotic pulp

öppen pulpa infopulpainvolvering

megnyílt pulpainfoopened pulp

radikulär pulpa

radikuláris pulpa · gyökérpulpa [pulpa radicularis]inforadicular pulp, section through the apical end of a developing root

rest pulpavävnad

fogbélszövet-maradvány [detritus pulpalis]inforesidual pulp tissue, bacteria and dentin debris may persist in the irregularities of root canal systems

röd mjältpulpa infomjälten består av venösa pulpsinus o. pulpstränga

vörös lépbél · vörös léppulpainfored pulp, red pulp of the spleen, composed of connective tissue [cords of Billroth] and many splenic sinusoids that are engorged with blood

rotpulpa -n rotpulpor infoden den del som fyller rotens pulparum

fogbél foggyökéri része · gyökérpulpa [pulpa radicularis dentis]inforoot pulp, part of the tooth root

sekundär dentinbildning i pulpan

másodlagos-, irreguláris dentininfosecondary dentin, a layer of dentin, produced after the tooth's root is completely formed

tandben omslutande pulpan

pulpa körüli dentininfocircumpulpal dentine

vit mjältpulpa infovit pulpa,består av lymfocyter

fehér lépbél · fehér léppulpa [folliculi lymphatici lienales]infofolliculi lymphatici lienales, Malpighian bodies, small, nodular masses of lymphoid tissue attached to the sides of the smaller arterial branches