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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
obstruktiv lungsjukdom inflammation i bronkioler

tüdőhörgőcskék elzáródásos gyulladása [bronchiolitis obliterans]infoobstructive bronchiolitis, a type of obstructive lung disease of the small airways

obstruktiv njursjukdom [on]

obstruktív vesebetegség [nephropathia-, renopathia obstructiva]infoobstructive kidney disease,obstructive nephropathy, uropathy, caused by urinary tract obstruction, either functional or anatomic

obstruktiv sömnapné

obstruktív alvási apnoeinfoobstructive sleep apnoea, OSA, episodes of complete collapse of the airway or partial collapse with an associated decrease in oxygen saturation or arousal from sleep

obstruktivt sömnapnésyndrom hos vuxna [OSAS]

obstruktív alvási légszomjszindróma felnőtteknélinfoobstructive sleep apnoea, OSA, syndrome in adults, repetitive episodes of nocturnal breathing cessation due to upper airway collapse

obturation av fyllning

töméses elzárásinfofilling obturation

obturator artär

fedőartéria · fedőütőér · fedőverőér [arteria obturatoria]infoobturator artery, OA, one of the branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery

obturator kanal

tömési csatorna [canalis obturatorius]infoobturator canal, a passageway formed in the obturator foramen by part of the obturator membrane and the pelvis

obturator membran

fedőhártya [membrana obturatoria]infoobturator membrane, a strong fibrous joint or syndesmosis that fills the obturator foramen of the hip bone

obturator ven

fedővéna [vena obturatoria]infoobturator vein, located in the pelvis, near the back of the thigh, a collection point for veins that drain blood from the lower back as well as the hips

obturatorbråck -et - infoobturatorbrock

obturátorsérv [hernia obturatorica]infoobturator hernia, a rare type of hernia, of the pelvic floor in which pelvic or abdominal contents protrudes through the obturator foramen

obturatormuskel -n obturatormuskler

obturátorizom · záróizom [musculus obturatoricus]infoobturator muscle, may refer to external obturator muscle and internal obturator muscle

obturatornerv -en -er

fedőideg · obturátorideg [nervus obturatorius]infoobturator nerve, arises from the lumbar plexus and provides sensory and motor innervation to the thigh

obturerande tromb infoillstoppande tromb

teljes elzáródást okozó thrombus [thrombus obturativus]infoobturating thrombus, occluding thrombus, that occupies the entire lumen of a vessel and obstructs blood flow

occipital -t -a infosom hör till bakhuvudet

nyakszirthez tartozó · nyakszirti · tarkói · tarkótáji [occipitalis]infooccipital, belonging to the nape of the neck

occipital artär

nyakszirti artéria · nyakszirti ütőér · nyakszirti verőér [arteria occipitalis]infooccipital artery, an end branch of the external carotid artery; it runs up the back of the scalp and supplies blood to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the meninges, and the scalp

occipital avflödeskanal

nyakszirti levezetőcsatorna [emissarium occipitale]infooccipital emissary canal

occipital ben infooccipitalben

nyakszirtcsont [os occipitale]infooccipital bone, the most posterior cranial bone and the main bone of the occiput

occipital fixering infooccipital förankring

okcipitális rögzítésinfooccipital fixation

occipital gyrus

nyakszirti tekervény [gyrus occipitalis]infooccipital gyrus, there are3 gyri in parallel, along the lateral portion of the occipital lobe, also referred to as a composite structure in the brain

occipital pol av hjärnhemisfär

agyvelőfélteke hátulsó pólusa [polus caudalis hemispherii]infopolus caudalis of the cerebrum cortex

occipital punktion

tarkótáji szúrcsapolás [punctio occipitalis]infooccipital puncture, cisternal puncture

occipital region

nyakszirti tájék [regio occipitalis]infooccipital region

occipital sinus

tarkóüreg [sinus occipitalis]infooccipital sinus, the smallest of the dural venous sinuses

occipital ven

tarkógyűjtőér · tarkóvéna [vena occipitalis]infooccipital vein, a vein of the scalp. It originates from a plexus around the external occipital protuberance and superior nuchal line to the back part of the vertex of the skull

occipitala venösa förbindelser

nyakszirti vénás összeköttetések [venae emissariae occipitales]infoemissary veins, valveless venous structures that connect the extracranial vessels of the scalp to the intracranial dural venous sinuses and diploic veins

occipitallob -en -er infohjärnans nacklob

nagyagy nyakszirti lebenye · nyakszirtlebeny [lobus occipitalis]infooccipital lobe, site at the back of the head and are responsible for visual perception, including colour, form and motion

occipitallobsepilepsi -n

occipitális lebeny epilepszia [epilepsia occipitalis]infooccipital lobe epilepsy, characterized by focal seizures, abnormal electrical brain activity occurs only on one side of the brain

occipitallobsinfarciering -en -ar

nyakszirtilebeny-elhalás [infarceratio lobi occiptalis]infooccipital lobe infarction

occipitallobsskada -n occipitallobsskador

nyakszirti lebenysérülésinfooccipital lobe injury

occipitalneuralgi -n infonervsmärtor i bakhuvudet, åkommor i nackens muskler o. senor

occipitális neuralgiainfooccipital neuralgia, the result of pinched nerves or muscle tightness in the neck, a head or neck injury

occipitalrand -en occipitalränder

nyakszirtszegélyinfooccipital border, deeply denticulated, articulates with the occipital, forming one-half of the lambdoidal sutur

occipitalt encefalocele

tarkótáji agyvelősérv [f.r.] [occipital encephalocele]infooccipital encephalocele, the most common form of this congenital disorder and are manifested as a swelling of different sizes over the occipital bone in the midline

occipitalt hjärnbrock infooccipitalt meningoencefalocele

nyakszirti agysérv [meningoencephalokele occipitale]infooccipital meningoencephalocele

occipitocervical -t -a

nyakszirthez és nyakhoz tartozó [occipitocervicalis]infooccipitocervical, craniocervical, , relating to the occiput and the neck

occipitofacial -t -a

nyakszirthez és archoz tartozó [occipitofacialis]infooccipitofacial, relating to the occiput and the face

occipitofrontal -t -a

nyakszirthez és homlokhoz tartozó [occipitofrontalis]infooccipitofrontal, of or pertaining to the occipital and frontal bones of the skull

occipitomental -t -a infonacke-hakspets riktning

nyakszirt-állcsúcs irányú [occipitomentalis]infooccipitomental, of or pertaining to the occiput and the mentum

occipitotemporal -t -a

nyakszirthez és halántékhoz tartozó [occipitotemporalis]infooccipitotemporal, of, relating to, or distributed to the occipital and temporal lobes of a cerebral hemisphere

öcellskarcinom -et - infoLangerhanka öceller isolerade från bukspottkörteln levereras till leverkärlen

szigetsejtes carcinóma [insulinoma]infoinsulinoma, a rare tumor that starts in the endocrine cells in the pancreas

öcellstransplantation -en -er

szigetsejt-átültetésinfoislet cell transplantation, transplantation of isolated islets from a donor pancreas into another person