Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

lane betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Lane syndrom infofamiljär, ärftliga, symmetriska erytem o. palmar-plantar hyperhidros förekommer tillsammans

Lane-szindróma [erythema palmo-plantare, familiaris forma]infoLane syndrome, palmar erythema, characterized by redness of the palms of the hands

epiduralanestesi -n -er infoepiduralbedövning, epiduralblockad

epidurális fájdalomérzés hiánya · epidurális anesztézia [an[a]esthesia epiduralis, EDA]infoepidural anesthesia, EDA, technique that may be used as a primary surgical anesthetic or as a resource for postoperative pain

intervertebralanestesi -n -er infointraspinal anestesi

intervertebrális anaesztézia [anaesthesia intervertebralis]infospinal anaesthesia, spinal anesthesia, spinal block, subarachnoid block, intradural block, intrathecal block, a form of neuraxial regional anaesthesia

kardialt ventrikelaneurysm

kardiális kamrai aneurizma [aneurysma ventricularis cordis]infocardiac ventricular aneurysm, a bulge or weakened area in the wall of the heart's ventricles

mandibular guideplane protes

mandibuláris vezetősíkkal ellátott műfogsor [T]infoguide flange prosthesis, GFP, a mandibular conventional prosthesis for the patient who is able to achieve an appropriate mediolateral position of the mandible but is unable to repeat this position consistently for adequate mastication

melanemesis [en] infosvarta blodkräkningar

sötét színű hányadék [melanemesis]infomelanemesis, vomitus with presence of blood in stomach

remifentanilanestesi -n -er

Remifentanil-narkózisinfoRemifentanil narcosis

ryggradskrökning i frontalplanet

gerinc frontális síkú görbülete [scoliosis]infoscoliosis, abnormal twisting and curvature of the spin

sakralanestesi -n -er

keresztcsonttáji érzéstelenítés [an[a]esthesia sacralis]infosacral spinal anaesthesia, spinal block, subarachnoid block, intradural block and intrathecal block

sicklecellanemi -n -er infodrepanocytos, sicklecellsanemi

sarlósejtes vérszegénység [drepanocytosis, meniscocytosis]infosickle cell anemia, a group of inherited disorders known as sickle cell disease, who have sickle cell anemia inherit two faulty hemoglobin genes, hemoglobin S, from each parent

spinalanestesi -n -er inforyggmärgsokänslighet, spinalbedövning, 'ryggmärgsbedövning'

spinális anesztézia [an[a]esthesia spinalis]infospinal trigeminal nucleus, SN, a sensory tract located in the lateral medulla of the brain stem

subaraknoidalanestesi -n -er

szubarachnoidális érzéstelenítés [an[a]esthesia subarachnoidalis]infosubarachnoid anesthesia, apinal anesthesia, a neuraxial anesthesia technique, local anesthetic placed directly in the intrathecal space

terminalanestesi -n -er infoinfiltrationsbedövning, ytbedövning

felületi érzéstelenítés [an[a]esthesia terminalis]infoterminal anesthesia

transpyloric plane

transzpilorikus sík · Addison-sík [planum transpyloricum]infotranspyloric plane, Addison's plane, imaginary horizontal plane

Weitlaner självhållande hake

Weitlaner-féle sebszélterpesztő [T]infoWeitlaner retractor