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inre nervtrådskapseln betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
inre nervtrådskapseln

a belső burok · a belső idegrosthüvely · a belső tok [capsulae interna]infointernal capsule, a white matter structure situated in the inferomedial part of each cerebral hemisphere of the brain

inre nervtrådskapselns bakre parti infoinre nervtrådskapselns bakre skänkel

a belső idegrosthüvely hátulsó része · a capsula interna hátulsó szára [crus posterius capsulae internae [pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae]infocrus posterius capsulae internae, the posterior limb of internal capsule is the portion of the internal capsule posterior to the genu

inre nervtrådskapselns knä

a belső idegrostok térdhajlata [genu capsulae internae]infogenu capsulae internae, The genu of internal capsule is the flexure of the internal capsule. It is formed by fibers from the corticonuclear tracts

inre nervtrådskapselns nackparti

a belső idegrosthüvely nyaki része [pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae]inforetrolentiform limb of internal capsule, a portion of the internal capsule situated toward the occiput from the lentiform nucleus

inre nervtrådskapselns tinningparti

a belső axonburok lencsemag alatti része · a belső idegrosthüvely halántéki része [pars sublentiformis capsulae internae]infopars sublentiformis capsulae internae, The sublentiform limb is a part of the internal capsule beneath the posterior part of the lentiform nucleus