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SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
Haller cirkel

Haller-érkör [circulus venosus Halleri]infoHaller circle, a venous plexus in the areola surrounding the nipple, formed by the mammary veins, and sending its blood to the lateral thoracic vein

Hallermann-Streiff syndrom infomissbildning i ektoderm: fågelnansikt, medfödd gråstarr, dentala avvikelser

Hallermann-Streiff-szindrómainfoHallermann-Streiff syndrome, HSS, a rare congenital disorder, craniofacial malformations, sparse hair, degenerative skin changes, eye abnormalities, dental defects, and proportionate short stature

Hallers trefot infobukaortans trifurkation hos häst, karnivorer

Haller-féle háromláb [tripus arteriosus Halleri]infotripus Halleri, Haller's tripus, celiac trunk, celiac artery, trifurcation of the abdominal aorta in horses, carnivores

Hallervorden-Spatz sjukdom infopigmentär pallidusdegeneration, pantotenatkinas-associerad neurodegeneration

Hallervorden-Spatz betegség [PKAN]infoHallervorden-Spatz disease, pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, PKAN, a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with iron accumulation in the brain nuclei [progressive extrapyramidal dysfunction, dementia]

kretsen av Zinn-Haller

Zinn–Haller-gyűrű [circulus arteriosus Zinnii, circulus arteriosus Halleri, circulus arteriosus nervi optici]infovascular circle of optic nerve, Haller circle, Zinn corona, Zinn vascular circle