Svensk-Ungerska medicinsk ordbok »

amin -en -er betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
amin -en -er infoorganiskt ämne där kolvätekedjor har ersatt en l. flera väteatomer i en ammoniakmolekyl, del av neurotransmittorer

amin [aminum]infoamine, a class of basic organic compounds derived from ammon

amin -en -er infogrupp av kemiska föreningar som kan härledas ur ammoniak

…amin · …aminoalkán [… aminoalcanum]info… amin

acetylgalaktosamin -en -er

acetilgalaktózamin [Acetylgalactosaminum]infoacetylgalactosamine

acetylglukosamin -en -er

acetilglükózamin [Acetylglucosaminum]infoacetylglucosamine

alfa-naftylamin -en -er infolåggradigt organiskt giftigt fast ämne

alfa-naftil-amin [alpha-naphtilaminum]infoalpha-naphthylamine, it can cause bladder cancer

cystamin -en -er infostrålskyddsmedel

cisztamin [Cystaminum, Diamino-diethyl-disulfid]infocystamine, an organic disulfide obtgained by oxidative dimerisation of cysteamine

d-galaktosamin -en -er

d-galaktózamin [Galactosaminum-d]infod-galactosamine, D-chondrosamine or 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-galactose, a constituent of some glycoprotein hormones

diamin -en -er

diamininfodiamine, a compound containing two amino group

difenhydramin -en -er

Difenhidramin [Diphenhydraminum]infoDiphenhydramine, an antihistamine medicine

fruktosamin -en -er

fruktózamin [Fructosaminum]infofructosamine, 1-amino-1-deoxy fructose, a stable ketoamine, formed by the reaction between glucose and the amino group of protein

glikosilamin -en -er

glikozilamin [nucleosidum]infoglycosylamine, N-glycoside, a class of biochemical compounds consisting of a glycosyl group attached to an amino group, -NR2

katekolamin -en -er infokatekolderivat med basisk sidokedja

katekolamin [Catecholaminum]infoCatecholamine, any of a class of aromatic amines which includes a number of neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and dopamine

mannosamin -en -er

mannózamin [mannosamin]infomannosamine, used for the synthesis of sialic acid

metenamin -en -er

Meténamin [Methenaminum]infoMethenamine, urinary tract antiseptic and antibacterial drug used for the prophylaxis and treatment of frequently recurring urinary tract infections

metylamin -en -er

Metil-amin [Methylaminum]infoMethylamine, used of dyes and insecticides

triamin -en -er

triamininfotriamine, a compound containing three amino groups

trometamin -en -er

Trometamin [Trometamine]infoTromethamine, makes blood and urine more alkaline or less acidic

ß-naftylamin -en -er

bétanaftilamininfobeta-naphthylamine, cause bladder cancer
