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... med sfäriska celler betyder på ungerska medicinsk

SvenskaUngerska medicinsk
med sfäriska celler

gömbsejtes …info… with spherical cells

insulinproducerande celler

inzulintermelő sejtekinfoinsulin-producing cells

mesangiala celler

mezangium sejtjei [cellae mesangialae]infomesangial cells, contractile cells that constitute the central stalk of the glomerulus

enterokromaffina celler infoKulchitskys celler

enterochromaffin sejtekinfoenterochromaffin cells, Kulchitsky cells

ethmoidala celler infoslemhinnebeklädda benutskott som fäster i näsans sidovägg

rostasejtek [cellulae ethmoidales, ethmoturbinalia]infocellulae ethmoidales, ehmoidal air cells; evaginations of mucous membrane of middle and superior meatus of nasal cavity into ethmoidal labyrinth

Rieder celler inforadialt segmenterad mononukleära celler

Rieder-sejtekinfoRieder cells, Rieder lymphocytes, abnormal form of lymphocytes with a greatly indented nucleus, in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

diploida celler infoceller som innehåller kromosomer två homolog serie

diploid sejtekinfodiploid cells

Claudius-celler [CC]

Claudius-sejtek [CC] [belsőfül köbhám-támasztósejtek]infoClaudius cells, cells of Claudius, CC, supporting cells within the organ of Corti in the cochlea

mastoidala celler

csecsnyúlvány sejtjei [cellulae mastoideae]infomastoid cells, air cells of Lenoir, mastoid cells of Lenoir, air-filled cavities within the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the cranium

animala celler infoceller av de animerade polerna av groddar

animális sejtekinfoanimal cells

främre celler

elülső sejtek [cellulae anteriores]infoanterior cells

Cajals celler

Cajal-sejtek [neurocyta]infoCajal cells [neurocyte]

null celler info0-cell, nullcell: T- o. B-lymfocyter populationer utan brytpunkter

null sejtinfonull cell, large granular lymphocytes that develop inside the bone marrow and attack pathogens and abnormal cells

kromofoba celler

kromofób sejtek [chromophob]infochromophobe cells

mellan celler

intercelluláris [intercellularis]infointercellular, situates betwen cells

Deiters-celler infostödstruktur at Cortis organ

Deiters-támasztósejtekinfoDeiters' cells, outer phalangeal cells, cells of Deiters, a cell type found within the inner ear

Corti celler

Corti-sejtek · szőrsejtek [belső fülben]infoCorti cells, a complex epithelial structure in the cochlea that contains thousands of hair cells

nätmagens celler

recésgyomor üregecskéi [cellulae reticuli]inforeticuloruminal cellulae, the internal mucosa of the reticulum has a honeycomb shape

dentritiska celler

dentritikus sejtek [cellae dendriticae]infodentritic cells

Leydig-celler infoLeydigsk celler, testikulära interstitiella celler

Leydig-sejtekinfoLeydig cells, the primary source of testosterone or androgens in males

kommissurala celler

commissurasejtekinfocommissural cell, a neuron the axon of which passes to the opposite side of the neuraxis

adelomorfa celler infohuvudceller i fundus ventriculi körtlar

adelomorph sejtek [fundus ventriculi mirigyek fő sejtjei]infomain cells of fundus ventriculi glands, adelomorphic cells

enteroendokrina celler

enteroendokrin sejtjekinfoenteroendocrine cells

giftigt för celler

sejtekre mérgező hatású · sejtmérgező [cytotoxicus]infocytotoxic, toxic to cells

Leydigs interstitiella celler

Leydig-féle interstitialis sejtekinfoLeydig cells, testicular interstitial cells, essential and crucial cells located in the testes of the male gonads

yttre ethmoidala celler

külső rostasejtek [ectoturbinalia]infoethmoid turbinate

γδ T celler infogamma-delta-T-celler

γδ T sejtekinfoγδ T cells, gamma delta T cells, heterodimeric T-cell receptors [TCRs] composed of γ and δ chainsa

tromb av celler

sejtekből álló érdugasz [embolus cellularis]infothrombus of cells

inre ethmoidala celler

belső rostasejtek [endoturbinalia]infoendoturbinates, endoturbinate volutes [eEndoturbinalia], a group of turbinates, as the ectoturbinates

follikulära dendritiska celler

follikuláris dendritikus sejtekinfofollicular dendritic cells

pankreatiska polypeptidproducerande celler

hasnyálmirigy polipeptid-termelő sejtjeiinfopolypeptide-producing cells of the pancreas

endokrina celler i tarmen

a bél endokrin sejtjeiinfoendocrine cells of the intestine

hybridisering av somatiska celler

szomatikus sejtek hibridizációja [somatic cell hybridization]infosomatic cell hybridization, the method of choice to separate a chromosome of interest from the full chromosome complement and obtain a permanent source of the chromosome

avsaknad av alla celler

minden sejt megkevesbedése [pancytopenia]infodepletion of all cells

teljes sejtcsökkenés [pancytopenia]infocomplete cell depletion

brist på alla celler

teljes sejtcsökkenés [pancytopenia]infopancytopenia, having low levels of all three blood cell types: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets

celler penetration av tunna kärlväggarna infoleukocyter

sejtek áthatolása a vékony érfalon [penetratio [leuco]cytorum]infocell penetration through the thin vessel wall

hjärnbarken celler av olika formlager

nagyagykéreg különböző alakú sejtekből álló rétege [stratum multiforme]infolayers of cerebral cortex consisting of cells of different shapes

endokrina celler i mag-tarmkanalen

a gyomorbélcsatorna endokrin sejtjeiinfoendocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract

embryonala celler, som utvecklar sympatiska nervceller

embrionális sympathicus idegsejt [sympathicoblast, sympathoblast]infosympathoblast, an embryonic cell that develops into a sympathetic nerve cell

ansamling av celler i en lymfknuta

nyirokcsomói sejtgyülem [lymphnodulus]infolymph node cell assembly

små hjärnbarken, pyramidala-formade celler i lagret

pyramidalis réteg · pyramid-sejtek rétege [stratum pyramidale, SP]infostratum pyramidale, SP, the principal cell layer in the hippocampus proper