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probabilidad meaning in English

probabilidad noun

chance [chances](probability of something happening)
[UK: tʃɑːns] [US: ˈtʃæns]
The chances are even. = Las probabilidades son iguales.

likelihood [likelihoods](probability)
[UK: ˈlaɪk.lɪ.hʊd] [US: ˈlaɪʊd]
The likelihood of being attacked by a shark is very low. = La probabilidad de ser atacado por un tiburón es muy baja.

odds [odds](the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening)
[UK: ɒdz] [US: ˈɑːdz]

probability [probabilities]noun
[UK: ˌprɒ.bə.ˈbɪ.lɪ.ti] [US: ˌprɑː.bə.ˈbɪ.lə.ti]
Johnorrow there's a high probability it will rain. = Mañana hay una alta probabilidad de que llueva.

improbabilidad noun

improbability [improbabilities](unlikelihood)
[UK: ɪm.ˌprɒ.bə.ˈbɪ.lɪ.ti] [US: ɪm.ˌprɒ.bə.ˈbɪ.lɪ.ti]
The improbability of raining today is pretty high. = La improbabilidad de que hoy llueva es muy alta.

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