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namibio meaning in English

namibio adjective

Namibian(of, from, or pertaining to Namibia)
[UK: nə.ˈmɪb.iən] [US: nə.ˈmɪb.iən]
Mary spent two years in the Namibian desert shooting a documentary for the BBC. = Mary pasó dos años en el desierto de Namibia filmando un documental para la BBC.

namibio noun

Namibian(a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent)
[UK: nə.ˈmɪb.iən] [US: nə.ˈmɪb.iən]
Mary spent two years in the Namibian desert shooting a documentary for the BBC. = Mary pasó dos años en el desierto de Namibia filmando un documental para la BBC.