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hace meaning in English

hacérsela buena a alguien verb

make someone's day(make someone happy)
[UK: ˈmeɪk ˈsəˌm.wənz deɪ] [US: ˈmeɪk ˈsəˌm.wənz ˈdeɪ]

hacérselo pasar mal a alguien verb

give someone a hard time(cause difficulty or make trouble for someone)

afuera hace frío phrase

it's cold outside(it's cold outside (weather))

con estos mimbres no se puede hacer más que este cesto verb

get blood out of a stone(proverbial form)

contrahacer verb

counterfeit [counterfeited, counterfeiting, counterfeits](To produce something that appears to be official or valid)
[UK: ˈkaʊn.tə.fɪt] [US: ˈkaʊn.tər.ˌfɪt]

cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer phrase

idle hands are the devil's workshop(One who is idle will likely come to do evil)

deshacer verb

undo [undid, undone, undoing, undoes](to reverse)
[UK: ʌn.ˈduː] [US: ʌn.ˈduː]

unpack [unpacked, unpacking, unpacks](to remove from a package)
[UK: ˌʌn.ˈpæk] [US: ən.ˈpæk]
They haven't unpacked their trunks yet. = No han deshecho todavía los baúles.

deshacerse verb

come undoneverb
[UK: kʌm ʌn.ˈdʌn] [US: ˈkəm ʌn.ˈdən]

dispose [disposed, disposing, disposes](to get rid of something)
[UK: dɪ.ˈspəʊz] [US: dɪˈspoʊz]
He wants to dispose of his land. = Él quiere deshacerse de sus tierras.

fall apart(intransitive: break into pieces through being in a dilapidated state)
[UK: fɔːl ə.ˈpɑːt] [US: ˈfɑːl ə.ˈpɑːrt]

get rid of(remove)
[UK: ˈɡet rɪd əv ˈsʌm.bə.di] [US: ˈɡet ˈrɪd əv ˈsʌm.ˌbɑː.di]

deshacerse de verb

do away with(abolish; put an end to)
[UK: duː ə.ˈweɪ wɪð] [US: ˈduː ə.ˈweɪ wɪθ]

throw off(lose a pursuer)
[UK: ˈθrəʊ ɒf] [US: ˈθroʊ ˈɒf]

deshacerse en atenciones verb

wait on someone hand and foot(attend to someone's every need)

deshacerse en elogios verb

praise to the skiesverb
[UK: preɪz tuː ðə skaɪz] [US: ˈpreɪz ˈtuː ðə ˈskaɪz]

el hábito no hace al monje phrase

clothes don't make the manphrase
[UK: kləʊðz dəʊnt ˈmeɪk ðə mæn] [US: kloʊðz ˈdoʊnt ˈmeɪk ðə ˈmæn]

the cowl does not make the monk(the superficial trappings of something are unrelated to its true essence)
[UK: ðə kaʊl dʌz nɒt ˈmeɪk ðə mʌŋk] [US: ðə ˈkaʊl ˈdəz ˈnɑːt ˈmeɪk ðə ˈməŋk]

you can't judge a book by its cover(it is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone)

es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo adjective

easier said than done(easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
[UK: ˈiː.zɪə(r) ˈsed ðæn dʌn] [US: ˈiː.ziər ˈsed ˈðæn ˈdən]

gallina vieja hace buen caldo phrase

there's life in the old dog yetphrase

la fuerza hace el derecho phrase

might makes right(morality cannot question the powerful)

la mano izquierda no sabe lo que hace la derecha phrase

the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing(two parts of an organization are unaware of each other's activities)

la práctica hace al maestro phrase

practice makes perfect(if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it)
[UK: ˈpræk.tɪs ˈmeɪks pə.ˈfekt] [US: ˈpræk.ˌtɪs ˈmeɪks pər.ˈfekt]

la unión hace la fuerza phrase

unity is strength(unity makes us become stronger)
[UK: ˈjuː.nɪ.ti ɪz streŋθ] [US: ˈjuː.nə.ti ˈɪz ˈstreŋkθ]

la unión hace la fuerza phrase

united we stand, divided we fall(people are more successful as a group than as individuals)

las mejores cosas de la vida se hacen esperar phrase

good things come to those who wait(patience is a virtue)
[UK: ɡʊd ˈθɪŋz kʌm tuː ðəʊz huː weɪt] [US: ˈɡʊd ˈθɪŋz ˈkəm ˈtuː ðoʊz ˈhuː ˈweɪt]

lista de cosas por hacer antes de morir noun

bucket list(a list of things to accomplish before one's death)
[UK: ˈbʌkɪt lɪst] [US: ˈbʌkət ˈlɪst]

lista de quehaceres noun

to-do list(list of errands)

lo bueno se hace esperar phrase

good things come to those who wait(patience is a virtue)
[UK: ɡʊd ˈθɪŋz kʌm tuː ðəʊz huː weɪt] [US: ˈɡʊd ˈθɪŋz ˈkəm ˈtuː ðoʊz ˈhuː ˈweɪt]

más hace el que quiere que el que puede phrase

where there is a will there is a way(if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found)

mira lo que haces verb

look before one leaps(think before taking action)

mucho hablar y poco hacer noun

all talk and no action(idiom)

muchos pocos hacen un mucho phrase

many a mickle makes a muckle(lot of small amounts, put together, become a large amount)

no le hace verb

never mind(it is not important)
[UK: ˈne.və(r) maɪnd] [US: ˈne.vər ˈmaɪnd]

no se puede hacer una tortilla sin romper los huevos phrase

you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette(phrase)

para hacerla corta adverb

long story short(Introducing a short version of, or simply the conclusion of, an involved story)

para no hacerla larga adverb

long story short(Introducing a short version of, or simply the conclusion of, an involved story)

para no hacerte el cuento largo adverb

long story short(Introducing a short version of, or simply the conclusion of, an involved story)

qué vas a hacer mañana? phrase

are you doing anything tomorrowphrase


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