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belga meaning in English

belga adjective

Belgian(of or pertaining to Belgium)
[UK: ˈbel.dʒən] [US: ˈbel.dʒən]
She's Belgian. = Ella es belga.

belga noun
{m} {f}

Belgian(Belgian, person from Belgium)
[UK: ˈbel.dʒən] [US: ˈbel.dʒən]
She's Belgian. = Ella es belga.

Congo Belga proper noun

Belgian Congo(Belgian colony)
proper noun

pastor belga noun

Belgian Sheepdog(Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants)
[UK: ˈbel.dʒən ˈʃiːp.dɒɡ] [US: ˈbel.dʒən ˈʃiːp.dɔːɡ]

perro de pastor belga groenendael noun

Belgian Groenendaelnoun

perro de pastor belga laekenois noun

Belgian Laekenoisnoun

perro de pastor belga malinois noun

Belgian Malinoisnoun

perro de pastor belga tervueren noun

Belgian Tervurennoun