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a la meaning in English

contra las cuerdas adjective

on the ropes(leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, as when exhausted and nearing defeat or collapse)

costra láctea noun

cradle cap(form of seborrheic dermatitis)

cuberito para la cara noun

facemask(mask made of common textiles worn over the mouth and nose)

culto a la personalidad noun

cult of personality(situation of being falsely idolized)

dar la vuelta a la tortilla verb

turn the tables(To reverse a situation so that the advantage has shifted)

darle a la sinhueso verb

shoot the breeze(to chat idly or waste time talking)
[UK: ʃuːt ðə briːz] [US: ˈʃuːt ðə ˈbriːz]

darle a la zambomba verb

bash the bishop(slang for masturbate (male))

darse a la fuga verb

take to one's heels(to flee or run away)
[UK: teɪk tuː wʌnz hiːlz] [US: ˈteɪk ˈtuː wʌnz ˈhiːlz]

de cara a la galería verb

play to the galleryverb

de la cruz a la fecha preposition

from A to Z(comprehensively)
[UK: frəm ə tuː zed] [US: frəm ə ˈtuː ˈziː]

de la cuna a la tumba preposition

from the cradle to the gravepreposition

de la mano a la boca desaparece la sopa phrase

there's many a slip twixt cup and lip(in any situation something can always go wrong)

de la noche a la mañana adverb

overnight(in a very short amount of time)
[UK: ˌəʊv.ə.ˈnaɪt] [US: ˌoʊv.ə.ˈnaɪt]

de lado a lado adverb

abreast(side by side)
[UK: ə.ˈbrest] [US: ə.ˈbrest]

athwart(from side to side, often in an oblique manner, see also: across)
[UK: ə.ˈθwɔːt] [US: ə.ˈθwɔːrt]

de los pies a la cabeza adverb

through and through(entirely)
[UK: θruː ənd θruː] [US: θruː ænd θruː]

de manga larga adjective

longsleeved(having long sleeves)

de toda la vida adjective

good old(reliable)
[UK: ɡʊd əʊld] [US: ˈɡʊd oʊld]

dejar a la altura del betún verb

drag through the mudverb

dejar nada para la imaginación verb

leave nothing to the imagination(to cover or hide very little or nothing)

despedida a la francesa noun

French leave(sudden or unannounced departure)

despedirse a la francesa verb

take French leaveverb
[UK: teɪk frentʃ liːv] [US: ˈteɪk ˈfrentʃ ˈliːv]

a laborable noun

workday [workdays](day on which work is done)
[UK: ˈwɜːk.deɪ] [US: ˈwɝːk.deɪ]

working day(day of a week in which work is done)
[UK: ˌwɜːk.ɪŋ.ˈdeɪ] [US: ˌwɝːk.ɪŋ.ˈdeɪ]

el comal le dijo a la olla phrase

I know you are but what am I(assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party)

el comál le dijo a la olla noun

pot calling the kettle blacknoun
[UK: pɒt ˈkɔːl.ɪŋ ðə ˈket.l̩ blæk] [US: ˈpɑːt ˈkɒl.ɪŋ ðə ˈket.l̩ ˈblæk]

elevado a la preposition

to the power of(indicating an exponent)

elevar a la tercera potencia verb

cube [cubed, cubing, cubes](arithmetic: to raise to the third power)
[UK: kjuːb] [US: ˈkjuːb]

en el pecado lleva la penitencia verb

reap what one sows(to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions)

en el vino está la verdad phrase

in wine, there is truth(one tells the truth under the influence of alcohol)

en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj adverb

anticlockwise(in the opposite direction to the hands of an analogue clock)
[UK: ˌæn.ti.ˈklɒ.kwaɪz] [US: ˌæn.ti.ˈklɒ.kwaɪz]

en toda la extensión de la palabra adverb

in every sense of the wordadverb

entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma phrase

there's a grain of truth in every joke(people convey truth in jokes)
[UK: ðeəz ə ɡreɪn əv truːθ ɪn ˈev.ri dʒəʊk] [US: ˈðerz ə ˈɡreɪn əv ˈtruːθ ɪn ˈev.ri dʒoʊk]

entrevista laboral noun

job interview(interview attended by a job applicant)
[UK: dʒɒb ˈɪn.tə.vjuː] [US: ˈdʒɑːb ˈɪn.tər.ˌvjuː]

es bueno para la pava phrase

what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander(if something is acceptable for one person, it is acceptable for another)
[UK: ˈwɒts sɔːs fɔː(r) ðə ɡuːs ɪz sɔːs fɔː(r) ðə ˈɡæn.də(r)] [US: ˈhwʌts ˈsɒs ˈfɔːr ðə ˈɡuːs ˈɪz ˈsɒs ˈfɔːr ðə ˈɡæn.dər]

es mejor encender una sola vela que maldecir a la penumbra phrase

better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness(in bad times it is worthwhile to do good)

escala larga noun

long scalenoun

espada larga noun

longsword(a kind of sword)
[UK: lˈɒŋsɔːd] [US: lˈɑːŋsoːrd]

espada láser noun

lightsaber(a fictional type of sword)
[UK: lˈaɪtseɪbə] [US: lˈaɪtseɪbɚ]

estar a la altura verb

live up(to fulfil the expectations placed upon)
[UK: laɪv ʌp] [US: ˈlaɪv ʌp]