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-o meaning in English


-ard(someone who is in a specified condition)

-arquía {f}

-archy(form of government or rule)


-est(second-person singular present tense of verbs)


-ase(forms the names of enzymes)

-astra {f}


-astra adjective

step-(prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative)
[UK: step] [US: step]

-astre {m}


-astro {m}


-astro adjective

step-(prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative)
[UK: step] [US: step]

-ato {m}

-ate(chemical derivative)
[UK: et] [US: ˈeɪt]


-th(used to form the ordinal numeral)


-acious(adjective-forming suffix)

-azgo {m}

-ship(Property or state of being)

-bilidad {f}


-caína {f}

-caine(a synthetic alkaloid used as a local anesthetic)


-teen(to form numbers 13 - 19)
[UK: ˈtiː.neɪdʒ] [US: ˈtiːn]

-cefalia {f}



-cene(suffix indicating a geologic period)


-centric(having a specified object at the centre)

-cida {m} {f}

-cide(killer of)

-cidio {m}

-cide(killing of)


-tion(producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb)

-cito {m}

-cyte(cell names and classifications)

-cracia {f}


-crata {m} {f}



-cratic(suffix forming adjectives related to -cracy/-crat)


-y(forming abstract nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]

-dad {f}


-ity(Used to form nouns from adjectives.)

-ship(Property or state of being)

-dor {m}

-er((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-dora {f}

-er((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-dromo {m}



-ate(to act in the specified manner)
[UK: et] [US: ˈeɪt]

-ectomía {f}

-ectomy(excision of)

-edad {f}


-ity(Used to form nouns from adjectives.)

-edro {m}

-hedron(solid figure)


-y(forming abstract nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]

-ejo {f}

-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]