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los bedeutet auf Englisch

de todos los tiempos preposition

of all time(ever)

dejando pelos en la gatera preposition

by the skin of one's teeth(barely, closely)
[UK: baɪ ðə skɪn əv wʌnz tiːθ] [US: baɪ ðə ˈskɪn əv wʌnz ˈtiːθ]

dejar con los crespos hechos verb

leave someone in the lurch(to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation)

derechos de los animales noun

animal rights [animal rights](fundamental rights for animals)

desglosar verb

break down(to divide into parts for analysis)
[UK: breɪk daʊn] [US: ˈbreɪk ˈdaʊn]

itemize [itemized, itemizing, itemizes](to state in items)
[UK: ˈaɪ.tə.maɪz] [US: ˈaɪ.tə.ˌmaɪz]

desglose noun

breakdown [breakdowns](listing or categorization in great detail)
[UK: ˈbreɪk.daʊn] [US: ˈbreɪk.ˌdaʊn]

devanarse los sesos verb

rack one's brain(struggle to think of something)
[UK: ræk wʌnz breɪn] [US: ˈræk wʌnz ˈbreɪn]

Día de los caídos proper noun

Memorial Day(American federal holiday)
proper noun
[UK: mɪ.ˈmɔː.rɪəl deɪ] [US: mə.ˈmɔː.riəl ˈdeɪ]

Día de los Difuntos proper noun

All Souls' Day(Christian feast day)
proper noun
[UK: ɔːl səʊlz deɪ] [US: ɔːl soʊlz ˈdeɪ]

Día de los Enamorados proper noun

Saint Valentine's Dayproper noun

Día de los Inocentes proper noun

Childermas(day commemorating the Massacre of the Innocents)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtʃɪl.də.mæs] [US: ˈtʃɪl.dər.məs]

día de los inocentes de abril noun

April Fools' Day(First day of April)
[UK: ˈeɪ.prəl] [US: ˈeɪ.prəl]

Día de los Santos Inocentes proper noun

Childermas(day commemorating the Massacre of the Innocents)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtʃɪl.də.mæs] [US: ˈtʃɪl.dər.məs]

Día de Todos los Santos proper noun

All Saints' Day(feast day)
proper noun
[UK: ɔːl ˈseɪnts deɪ] [US: ɔːl ˈseɪnts ˈdeɪ]

diablos interjection

damn(non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.)
[UK: dæm] [US: ˈdæm]
Damn, I forgot my pills. = Diablos, olvidé mis píldoras.

días tranquilos noun

halcyon daysnoun
[UK: ˈhæl.sɪən deɪz] [US: ˈhæl.siən ˈdeɪz]

dichosos los ojos que te ven interjection

long time no see(idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time)

diglosia noun

diglossia(the coexistence of two closely related native languages)
[UK: dˈɪɡlɒʃə] [US: dɪɡlˈɔsiə]

Dios los cría y ellos se juntan noun

birds of a feather(people having similar characters)
[UK: bɜːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðə(r)] [US: ˈbɝːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðər]

Dios los cría y ellos se juntan phrase

birds of a feather flock together(people of similar character, etc. tend to associate)
[UK: bɜːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðə(r) flɒk tə.ˈɡe.ðə(r)] [US: ˈbɝːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðər ˈflɑːk tə.ˈɡe.ðər]

discutir sobre el sexo de los ángeles verb

count angels on pinheads(to spend time on fruitless intellectual matters)

Distrito de los Lagos proper noun

Lake Districtproper noun

diverticulosis noun

diverticulosis [diverticuloses](pathological condition)
John's diverticulosis turned into diverticulitis. = La diverticulosis de John se volvió diverticulitis.

doctor en filosofía noun

Doctor of Philosophy(one of the highest doctorates)

dormir en los laureles verb

rest on one's laurels(rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further)
[UK: rest ɒn wʌnz ˈlɒ.rəlz] [US: ˈrest ɑːn wʌnz ˈlɔː.rəlz]

dormirse en los laureles verb

rest on one's laurels(rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further)
[UK: rest ɒn wʌnz ˈlɒ.rəlz] [US: ˈrest ɑːn wʌnz ˈlɔː.rəlz]

ebulloscopía noun

ebullioscope(an instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids)
[UK: ɪbˈʊlɪˌɒskəʊp] [US: ɪbˈʊlɪˌɑːskoʊp]

echar los dientes verb

teethe [teethed, teething, teethes](grow teeth)
[UK: tiːð] [US: ˈtiːð]

echar los perros verb

chat up(talk in a charming manner)
[UK: tʃæt ʌp] [US: ˈtʃæt ʌp]

hit on(to approach somebody seeking love, sex, etc.)
[UK: hɪt ɒn] [US: ˈhɪt ɑːn]

echar margaritas a los cerdos verb

cast pearls before swineverb

echar perlas a los cerdos verb

cast pearls before swineverb

echar venablos verb

spit nailsverb

echarle los perros verb

sic [sicced, siccing, sics](set upon)
[UK: sɪk] [US: ˈsɪk]

eclosionar verb

hatch [hatched, hatching, hatches](to emerge from an egg)
[UK: hætʃ] [US: ˈhætʃ]
One of these eggs hasn't hatched yet. = Uno de estos huevos aún no ha eclosionado.

el diablo está en los detalles phrase

devil is in the details(specific provisions of something may be complicated)

el dinero no crece en los árboles phrase

money doesn't grow on trees(you must work in order to have money)
[UK: ˈmʌ.ni ˈdʌznt ɡrəʊ ɒn triːz] [US: ˈmʌ.ni ˈdʌ.zənt ˈɡroʊ ɑːn ˈtriːz]

el fin justifica los medios phrase

the end justifies the means(morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary)
[UK: ðə end ˈdʒʌ.stɪ.faɪz ðə miːnz] [US: ðə ˈend ˈdʒʌ.stə.ˌfaɪz ðə ˈmiːnz]

el fin no justifica los medios phrase

two wrongs don't make a right(a wrongful action is not a morally appropriate way to correct or cancel a previous wrongful action)