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ange w języku angielskim

il mangera toute sa vie. phrase

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime◼◼◼(more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them)

il mangera un jour. Apprends-lui à pêcher phrase

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime◼◼◼(more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them)

il y a à boire et à manger nom

mixed bag◼◼◼(idiom about a mixture of advantages and disadvantages)

île de Wrangel nom {f}

Wrangel Island◼◼◼(an island in the Chukchi Sea)
proper noun

îlots de Langerhans nom {m pl}

islets of Langerhans◼◼◼(regions in the pancreas)

immangeable adjectif

inedible◼◼◼(not edible; not appropriate, worthy, or safe to eat)
[UK: ɪn.ˈe.dəb.l̩] [US: ˌɪ.ˈne.dəb.l̩]

interchangeabilité nom {f}

interchangeability [interchangeabilities]◼◼◼(the quality of being interchangeable)
[UK: ˌɪn.tə.ˈtʃeɪn.dʒəb.l̩] [US: ˌɪn.tə.ˈtʃeɪn.dʒəb.l̩]

interchangeable adjectif

interchangeable◼◼◼(freely substitutable)
[UK: ˌɪn.tə.ˈtʃeɪn.dʒəb.l̩] [US: ˌɪn.tər.ˈtʃeɪn.dʒəb.l̩]
These two parts are interchangeable. = Ces deux pièces sont interchangeables.

je ne mange pas de poisson phrase

I don't eat fish◼◼◼phrase

je ne mange pas de porc phrase

I don't eat pork◼◼◼phrase

je ne mange pas de viande phrase

I don't eat meat◼◼◼phrase

Jour du chandail orange nom propre

Orange Shirt Day(Canadian day of observance)
proper noun

Journée du t-shirt orange nom propre

Orange Shirt Day(Canadian day of observance)
proper noun

jus d'orange nom {m}

orange juice [orange juices]◼◼◼(juice of squeezed oranges)
[UK: ˈɒ.rɪndʒ dʒuːs] [US: ˈɔː.rəndʒ ˈdʒuːs]

l'appétit vient en mangeant phrase

appetite comes with eating◼◼◼(starting something increases your desire to continue it)
[UK: ˈæ.pɪ.taɪt kʌmz wɪð ˈiːt.ɪŋ] [US: ˈæ.pə.ˌtaɪt ˈkəmz wɪθ ˈiːt.ɪŋ]

l'étranger nom {m}

abroad◼◼◼(countries or lands abroad)
[UK: ə.ˈbrɔːd] [US: ə.ˈbrɔːd]

la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid phrase

revenge is a dish best served cold◼◼◼(revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed)

LACC (loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies) nom propre

CCAA(Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act)
proper noun

langer verbe

diaper [diapered, diapering, diapers]◼◼◼(To put diapers on someone)
[UK: ˈdaɪə.pə(r)] [US: ˈdaɪ.pər]

swaddle [swaddled, swaddling, swaddles]◼◼◻(to bind a baby)
[UK: ˈswɒd.l̩] [US: ˈswɒd.l̩]

langes nom {m pl}

swaddling clothes◼◼◼(garment)

Langevin nom propre

Langevin◼◼◼proper noun
[UK: ˈleɪŋ.ɡɪ.ˌvɪn] [US: ˈleɪŋ.ɡɪ.ˌvɪn]

langue étrangère nom {f}

foreign language [foreign languages]◼◼◼(any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place)
[UK: ˈfɒ.rən ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ] [US: ˈfɔː.rən ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ]

le sexe des anges nom {m}

angels dancing on the head of a pin(arcane intellectual speculation)

les mouches ont changé d'âne verbe

turn the tables(To reverse a situation so that the advantage has shifted)

lettre de change nom {f}

bill of exchange◼◼◼(document demanding payment from another party)
[UK: bɪl əv ɪkˈs.tʃeɪndʒ] [US: ˈbɪl əv ɪks.ˈtʃeɪndʒ]

libre-échange nom {m}

free trade◼◼◼(trade free from government interference)
[UK: friː treɪd] [US: ˈfriː ˈtreɪd]

ligne de changement de date nom {f}

International Date Line◼◼◼(line on the Earth's surface)
proper noun
[UK: ˌɪnt.ə.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl deɪt laɪn] [US: ˌɪnt.r̩.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl ˈdeɪt ˈlaɪn]

Llanfihangel-ar-Arth nom propre

Llanfihangel-ar-Arthproper noun

Los Angeles nom propre

Los Angeles◼◼◼(largest city in California)
proper noun

losange nom {m}

rhombus [rhombuses]◼◼◼(A parallelogram having all sides of equal length)
[UK: ˈrɒm.bəs] [US: ˈrɒm.bəs]
A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus. = Un carré est à la fois un rectangle et un losange.

lozenge [lozenges]◼◼◼(rhombus)
[UK: ˈlɒ.zɪndʒ] [US: ˈlɒ.zəndʒ]
A lozenge is a square deformed indefinably, generally by heat. = Un losange est un carré vaguement déformé, généralement par la chaleur.

louange nom {f}

praise◼◼◼(commendation; favorable representation in words)
[UK: preɪz] [US: ˈpreɪz]
He is worthy of our praise. = Il mérite nos louanges.

[UK: preɪz] [US: ˈpreɪz]
He is worthy of our praise. = Il mérite nos louanges.

kudos◼◻◻(praise, accolades)
[UK: ˈkjuː.dɒs] [US: ˈkuːdos]

mangé aux mites adjectif

moth-eaten◼◼◼(containing moth holes)
[UK: ˈmɒθ iːt.n̩] [US: ˈmɒθ iːt.n̩]

moth-eaten◼◼◼(old and in poor condition)
[UK: ˈmɒθ iːt.n̩] [US: ˈmɒθ iːt.n̩]

mange de la crotte [Canada] phrase

eat my shorts(irreverent rebuke or dismissal)

mange-merde nom {m}

gobshite◼◼◼(person of very poor judgment)

mange-tout nom {m}

mangetout◼◼◼(vegetable pea eaten when immature, see also: snow pea)


Historia wyszukiwania