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све meaning in English

Свети Георгије (Croatia) proper noun
{m}, Свети Ђорђе {m} (Serbia), Свети Јурај {m}

Saint George(Patron saint of England and several other places)
proper noun

Свети Грал, Свети Здела proper noun

Holy Grail(artifact in Christian mythology)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ɡreɪl] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈɡreɪl]

Свети Кристофер и Невис, Сент Китс и Невис, Свети Кристофор и Невис, Свети Китс и Невис proper noun

Saint Kitts and Nevis(a country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈkɪts ənd ˈne.vəs] [US: ˈseɪnt ˈkɪts ænd ˈne.vəs]

Свети Михаил proper noun

Saint Michael(equivalent of Saint Michael)
proper noun

Свети Никола proper noun

Saint Nicholas(4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and mariners)
proper noun

Свети Тома и Принцип proper noun
{m}, Сао Томе и Принципе {m}

São Tomé and Príncipe(Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe)
proper noun

светина noun
{f}, свјетина {f}

crowd [crowds](the "lower orders" of people)
[UK: kraʊd] [US: ˈkraʊd]

светионичар noun
{m}, свјетионичар {m}

lighthouse keeper(person who lives in a lighthouse and tends the light)

светионӣк noun
{m}, свјетионӣк {m}, светиља {f}

lighthouse [lighthouses](building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
[UK: ˈlaɪt.haʊs] [US: ˈlaɪt.ˌhɑːws]

светиња noun
{f}, шкриња {f}, храм {m}, светӣште {n}

shrine [shrines](a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect)
[UK: ʃraɪn] [US: ˈʃraɪn]

светиња noun

sanctity(something considered sacred)
[UK: ˈsæŋk.tɪ.ti] [US: ˈsæŋk.tə.ti]

Светлана proper noun
{f}, Свијетлана {f}

Svetlana(female given name)
proper noun
[UK: sˌveˈt.lɑː.nə] [US: sˌveˈt.lɑː.nə]

светло noun
{n}, свјетло {n}, свјетлост {f}

light [lights](electromagnetic waves)
[UK: laɪt] [US: ˈlaɪt]

светлоснӣ мач noun
{m}, светлосна сабља {f}

lightsaber(a fictional type of sword)
[UK: lˈaɪtseɪbə] [US: lˈaɪtseɪbɚ]

свето adjective

holy [holier, holiest]adjective
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li] [US: ˈhoʊ.li]

Свето Римско Царство proper noun

Holy Roman Empire(state)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈrəʊ.mən ˈem.paɪə(r)] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈroʊ.mən ˈem.paɪər]

светован, свјетован adjective

secular(not specifically religious)
[UK: ˈse.kjʊ.lə(r)] [US: ˈse.kjə.lər]

Световид proper noun
{m}, Световит {m}

Svetovid(west Slavic god of war)
proper noun

световњак noun
{m}, лаик {m}

layman [laymen](someone who is not an ordained cleric)
[UK: ˈleɪ.mən] [US: ˈleɪ.mən]

светогрђе noun

sacrilege [sacrileges](desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred)
[UK: ˈsæ.krɪ.lɪdʒ] [US: ˈsæ.krə.lɪdʒ]

светоназор noun
{m}, свјетоназор {m}

worldview(personal view of the world)

Светска трговинска организација proper noun

World Trade Organizationproper noun

светски, свјетски adjective

worldwide(spanning the world, see also: global)
[UK: ˈwɜːl.dwaɪd] [US: ˈwɝːl.ˈdwaɪd]

светски, свјетски, глобалан adjective

global(concerning all parts of the world)
[UK: ˈɡləʊb.l̩] [US: ˈɡloʊb.l̩]

светски рат noun
{m}, свјетски рат {m}

world war(a war involving the major nations of the world)
[UK: wɜːld wɔː(r)] [US: ˈwɝːld ˈwɔːr]

Светски трговински центар proper noun

Twin Towers(the two main buildings of the World Trade Center)
proper noun
[UK: twɪn ˈtaʊəz] [US: ˈtwɪn ˈtaʊərz]

Светӣ Дух proper noun
{m}, Дух Светӣ {m}

Holy Spirit(Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈspɪ.rɪt] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈspɪ.rət]

светӣљка noun
{f}, свјетӣљка {f}, лампа {f}

lamp [lamps](device producing light)
[UK: læmp] [US: ˈlæmp]

lamp [lamps](oil device producing light)
[UK: læmp] [US: ˈlæmp]

свечан adjective

solemn(characterized by or performed with appropriate or great ceremony or formality)
[UK: ˈsɒ.ləm] [US: ˈsɑː.ləm]

solemn(of or pertaining to religious ceremonies and rites)
[UK: ˈsɒ.ləm] [US: ˈsɑː.ləm]

свечаност noun

celebration [celebrations](act or process of showing gratitude, appreciation or remembrance)
[UK: ˌse.lɪ.ˈbreɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌse.lə.ˈbreɪʃ.n̩]

свештенӣк (pagan) noun
{m}, свећенӣк {m}, поп {m}, духовнӣк {m}, отац {m}, жрец {m}

priest [priests](clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson))
[UK: priːst] [US: ˈpriːst]

свећа (wax candle) noun
{f}, свијећа {f}, лојаница {f} (tallow candle), воштаница {f}

candle [candles](a light source)
[UK: ˈkæn.dl̩] [US: ˈkæn.dl̩]

свећица noun

spark plug(part of an internal combustion engine)
[UK: spɑːk plʌɡ] [US: ˈspɑːrk ˈpləɡ]

свећњак noun
{m} / свијећњак {m}, воскарница {f}, воштарница {f}

candelabrum [candelabrums, candelabra, candelabras](candle holder)
[UK: ˌkæn.də.ˈlɑː.brəm] [US: ˌkæn.də.ˈlɑː.brəm]

свећњак noun
{m} / свијећњак {m}, чирак {m}

candlestick(a holder with a socket or spike for a candle)
[UK: ˈkændl.stɪk] [US: ˈkæn.dəl.ˌstɪk]

nakon svega (Croatia), после свега /posle svega/ (Serbia) preposition

after all(anyway, in any case)
[UK: ˈɑːf.tə(r) ɔːl] [US: ˈæf.tər ɔːl]

osvetoljubiv, осветољубив adjective

vengeful(wanting vengeance)
[UK: ˈvendʒ.fəl] [US: ˈvendʒ.fəl]

Svi sveti, Сви свети proper noun

All Saints' Day(feast day)
proper noun
[UK: ɔːl ˈseɪnts deɪ] [US: ɔːl ˈseɪnts ˈdeɪ]