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народ meaning in English

народ noun
{m}, нација {f}

nation [nations](community of people)
[UK: ˈneɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˈneɪʃ.n̩]

народ noun

people(a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩]

Народна Демократска Република Алжир proper noun

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria(official name of Algeria)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv æl.ˈdʒɪə.riə] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv æl.ˈdʒɪ.riə]

народна партија, pučka stranka noun

people's party(political party)

народна република noun

people's republic(self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments)
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək]

Народна Република Бангладеш proper noun

People's Republic of Bangladeshproper noun

Народна Република Кина proper noun

People's Republic of China(official name of China)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈtʃaɪ.nə] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈtʃaɪ.nə]

народна химна noun
{f}, државна химна {f}, национална himna {f}

national anthem(national song of a country)
[UK: ˈnæ.ʃnəl ˈæn.θəm] [US: ˈnæ.ʃə.nəl ˈæn.θəm]

народнӣ adjective

folk(of or related to local building materials and styles; not imported, see also: vernacular)
[UK: fəʊk] [US: foʊk]

people's(of, from, or controlled by the common people)
[UK: ˈpiːp.l̩z] [US: ˈpiːp.l̩z]

popular(of or pertaining to the common people)
[UK: ˈpɒ.pjʊ.lə(r)] [US: ˈpɑː.pjə.lər]

Британска заједница народа proper noun

Commonwealth of Nations(association of independent states)
proper noun

Демократска Народна Република Кореја proper noun

Democratic People's Republic of Korea(country in East Asia (official name))
proper noun
[UK: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv kə.ˈrɪə] [US: ˌde.mə.ˈkræ.tɪk ˈpiːp.l̩z ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv kɒ.ˈriːə]

Друштво народа proper noun
{n}, Лига Народа {f}

League of Nations(international organization)
proper noun
[UK: liːɡ əv ˈneɪʃ.n̩z] [US: ˈliːɡ əv ˈneɪʃ.n̩z]

Луганска Народна Република proper noun

Luhansk People's Republic(secessionist state in Luhanshchyna, the Ukraine)
proper noun

међународна фонетска абецеда proper noun

International Phonetic Alphabet(standardized symbols for speech)
proper noun
[UK: ˌɪnt.ə.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl fə.ˈne.tɪk ˈæl.fə.bet] [US: ˌɪnt.r̩.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl fə.ˈne.tɪk ˈæl.fə.ˌbet]

Међународни суд правде proper noun

International Court of Justice(UN court)
proper noun

међународно приватно право noun

private international law(law)

међународнӣ adjective

international(between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations)
[UK: ˌɪnt.ə.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl] [US: ˌɪnt.r̩.ˈnæʃ.n̩.əl]

национални, народни adjective

national(pertaining to a nation or country)
[UK: ˈnæ.ʃnəl] [US: ˈnæ.ʃə.nəl]

сународник noun
{m}, сународњакиња {f}, земљак {m}, земљакиња {f}

compatriot [compatriots](somebody from one's own country)
[UK: kəm.ˈpæ.trɪət] [US: kəm.ˈpeɪ.triət]

Уједӣњенӣ народи proper noun
{m-Pl}, Уједињене нације {f-Pl}

United Nations(international coalition)
proper noun

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