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-е meaning in English


-ly(used to form adverbs from adjectives)
[UK: ˈlaɪ] [US: ˈlaɪ]

-ев {m}

-'s(possessive marker)

-ев preposition

of(possessive genitive: belonging to)
[UK: əv] [US: əv]


-er(used to form the comparative of adjectives)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]


-est(superlative of adjectives and adverbs)

-ейший adverb

most(forming the superlative)
[UK: məʊst] [US: moʊst]

-ек {m}

-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]

-ение {n}

-ation(-ation (suffix))

-ing(act of doing something)

-ер {m}

-er((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]


-esque(in the style of)
[UK: ˈesk] [US: ˈesk]

-есса {f}

-ess(female suffix)

-еть participle

[UK: tuː] [US: ˈtuː]


-ian(related to)

-ец {m}

-er((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-ese(forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)


-est(second-person singular present tense of verbs)


-ing(to form present participles)

12-е adjective

12th(abbreviation of twelfth, see also: twelfth)
[UK: ˈtiː.ˈeɪtʃ] [US: ˈtiː.ˈeɪtʃ]

; ехать verb

drive(to operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle))
[UK: draɪv] [US: ˈdraɪv]

use the приходилось + infinitive; I used to eat cheese - Мне приходилось есть сыр verb

used to(formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
[UK: ˈjuːst] [US: ˈjuːst]

а большую сделает еще сильнее phrase

absence makes the heart grow fonder(When someone or something is far away, one realizes how much one loves or misses them or it)

а караван едет phrase

the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on(life goes on even if some will try to stop progress)
[UK: ðə dɒɡz bɑːk bʌt ðə ˈkæ.rə.væn ɡəʊz ɒn] [US: ðə ˈdɑːɡz ˈbɑːrk ˈbət ðə ˈkæ.rə.ˌvæn ɡoʊz ɑːn]

Адам и Ева proper noun

Adam and Eve(the first man and woman (according to Genesis))
proper noun
[UK: ˈæ.dəm ənd iːv] [US: ˈæ.dəm ænd ˈiːv]

алгоритм Евклида noun

Euclidean algorithm(number theory)
[UK: juː.ˈklɪ.dɪən ˈæl.ɡə.ˌrɪ.ðəm] [US: juː.ˈklɪ.dɪən ˈæl.ɡə.ˌrɪ.ðəm]

Англо-Египетский Судан proper noun

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan(Sudan, during the time when it was ruled jointly by Egypt and the United Kingdom)
proper noun

аппетит приходит во время еды phrase

appetite comes with eating(starting something increases your desire to continue it)
[UK: ˈæ.pɪ.taɪt kʌmz wɪð ˈiːt.ɪŋ] [US: ˈæ.pə.ˌtaɪt ˈkəmz wɪθ ˈiːt.ɪŋ]

Арабская Республика Египет proper noun

Arab Republic of Egypt(Official name of Egypt)
proper noun
[UK: ˈær.əb rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈiː.dʒɪpt] [US: ˈær.əb ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈiː.dʒəpt]

астрономическая единица noun

astronomical unit [astronomical units](measure of distance)
[UK: ˌæ.strə.ˈnɒ.mɪk.l̩ ˈjuː.nɪt] [US: ˌæ.strə.ˈnɑː.mɪk.l̩ ˈjuː.nət]

Афро-Евразия proper noun

proper noun
[UK: ˈæ.frəʊ jʊə.ˈreɪ.ʒə] [US: ˈæfro.ʊ jʊ.ˈreɪ.ʒə]

багрянник европейский noun

Judas tree(Cercis siliquastrum)

Бог его знает phrase

God knows(Only known to God; only known to the gods)
[UK: ɡɒd nəʊz] [US: ˈɡɑːd noʊz]

больной человек Европы proper noun

sick man of Europe(Ottoman Empire)
proper noun

в единении preposition

at one(in harmony or unity)
[UK: ət wʌn] [US: ət wʌn]

в каждой шутке есть доля правды phrase

there's a grain of truth in every joke(people convey truth in jokes)
[UK: ðeəz ə ɡreɪn əv truːθ ɪn ˈev.ri dʒəʊk] [US: ˈðerz ə ˈɡreɪn əv ˈtruːθ ɪn ˈev.ri dʒoʊk]

Верхний Египет proper noun

Upper Egypt(Southern Egypt)
proper noun
[UK: ˈʌ.pə(r) ˈiː.dʒɪpt] [US: ˈʌ.pər ˈiː.dʒəpt]

верховая езда noun

equestrianism(the art or sport of riding horses)
[UK: ɪ.ˈkwe.striə.nɪ.zəm] [US: ɪ.ˈkwe.striə.nɪ.zəm]

horseriding(the practice of riding horses for sport or pleasure)

Восточная Европа proper noun

Eastern Europeproper noun
[UK: ˈiː.stən ˈjʊə.rəp] [US: ˈiː.stərn ˈjʊ.rəp]

вот ещё! interjection

tut-tut(an expression of annoyance or impatience)
[UK: ˌtʌt ˈtʌt] [US: ˌtʌt ˈtʌt]