Russian | English |
говорить verb {imPlf} | say [said, said, saying, says](to communicate verbally or in writing) speak [spoke, spoken, speaking, speaks](to communicate with one's voice using words) talk [talked, talking, talks](to communicate by speech) tell [told, told, telling, tells](to pass information) utter [uttered, uttering, utters]verb |
говорить без обиняков verb | mince words(to use euphemisms) |
говорить без остановки verb | talk a blue streak(to talk for a long time, rapidly without giving others a chance to speak, or to the point of tedium) |
говорить без умолку verb | talk a blue streak(to talk for a long time, rapidly without giving others a chance to speak, or to the point of tedium) |
говорить глупости verb {imPlf} | drool [drooled, drooling, drools](talk nonsense) |
говорить громче verb | speak up(to talk more loudly or plainly) |
говорить дерзости verb {imPlf} | sass(talk back) |
говорить за себя verb {imPlf} | speak for oneself(expressing disagreement) |
говорить комплименты verb {imPlf} | compliment [complimented, complimenting, compliments](to pay a compliment; to express a favorable opinion) |
говорить на ветер verb | waste breath(to speak futilely) |
говорить напыщенно; декламировать verb | rant [ranted, ranting, rants]verb |
говорить не зная ничего толком verb | whistle in the dark(speak without knowledge) |
говорить не по существу verb | argue round and round(to talk with many digressions, not about subject) |
говорить не по теме verb | argue round and round(to talk with many digressions, not about subject) |
говорить необдуманно verb {imPlf} | talk out of turn(speak when not allowed to) |
говорить о работе verb {imPlf} | talk shop(discuss one's work) |
говорить обиняками verb | mince words(to use euphemisms) |
говорить скороговоркой verb {imPlf} | patter [pattered, pattering, patters](to speak glibly and rapidly) |
бессвязно говорить verb | sputter [sputtered, sputtering, sputters](to speak so rapidly as to emit saliva; to utter words hastily and indistinctly) |
выговорить verb {Plf} | utter [uttered, uttering, utters]verb |
договориться verb {Plf} | agree [agreed, agreeing, agrees](to come to terms or to a common resolve) negotiate [negotiated, negotiating, negotiates](arrange a mutual agreement (transitive)) |
манера говорить noun {f} | parlance(A certain way of speaking (or using words)) utterance [utterances](manner of speaking) |
оговориться verb {Plf} | misspeak(to fail to pronounce, utter, or speak correctly) put one's foot in one's mouth(say or do something embarrassing or wrong) |
отговорить verb {Plf} | deter [deterred, deterring, deters](to persuade someone not to do something) discourage [discouraged, discouraging, discourages](to persuade somebody not to do something) |
поговорить verb | have a word(speak to someone) |
приговорить verb {Plf} | convict [convicted, convicting, convicts](to find guilty) sentence [sentenced, sentencing, sentences](declare a sentence on a convicted person) |
приговорить к тюремному заключению // verb | send up(to be put in prison) |
проговориться verb | let slip(to divulge a secret) |
проговориться verb {Plf} | blurt [blurted, blurting, blurts](to speak suddenly and unadvisedly) spill the beans(to reveal a secret; to disclose) |
сговориться verb {Plf} | collude [colluded, colluding, colludes](to conspire) |