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o que meaning in English

o que late não morde adjective

all bark and no bite(full of big talk)

colher o que semear verb

reap what one sows(to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions)

como queira interjection

as you wishinterjection

como queríamos demonstrar phrase

quod erat demonstrandumphrase

considerando que conjunction

whereas(it being the case that…)
[UK: weər.ˈæz] [US: hwer.ˈæz]

contanto que conjunction

as long as(if, assuming)
[UK: əz ˈlɒŋ əz] [US: ˈæz ˈlɔːŋ ˈæz]

provided(only if)
[UK: prə.ˈvaɪ.dɪd] [US: prə.ˈvaɪ.dəd]

cuspir no prato que comeu verb

bite the hand that feeds one(cause harm to a benefactor)

custe o que custar noun

whatever it takes(anything required to achieve an objective)

custe o que custar; a todo custo preposition

at all costs(sparing no effort)
[UK: ət ɔːl kɒsts] [US: ət ɔːl ˈkɑːsts]

dado que conjunction

given that(in consideration of the fact that)

whereas(it being the case that…)
[UK: weər.ˈæz] [US: hwer.ˈæz]

dar um passo maior do que a perna verb

bite off more than one can chew(To try to do too much)
[UK: baɪt ɒf mɔː(r) ðæn wʌn kæn tʃuː] [US: ˈbaɪt ˈɒf ˈmɔːr ˈðæn wʌn ˈkæn ˈtʃuː]

de modo que conjunction

so that(in order to)
[UK: ˈsəʊ ðæt] [US: ˈsoʊ ˈðæt]

disco quebrado noun

broken record(Someone or something that constantly repeats itself, causing annoyance)

do jeito que está preposition

as it stands(in the current state or circumstances)
[UK: əz ɪt stændz] [US: ˈæz ˈɪt ˈstændz]

do jeito que está adverb

as it is(in the actual circumstances)
[UK: əz ɪt ɪz] [US: ˈæz ˈɪt ˈɪz]

do que preposition

than(Introduces a comparison)
[UK: ðæn] [US: ˈðæn]

do que adianta phrase

what's the good of(What is the purpose or advantage of)

do que alguém é feito noun

what someone is made ofnoun

é de menino que se torce o pepino phrase

as the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined(a person's formative experiences influence their adult character)

é mais fácil dizer do que fazer adjective

easier said than done(easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
[UK: ˈiː.zɪə(r) ˈsed ðæn dʌn] [US: ˈiː.ziər ˈsed ˈðæn ˈdən]

é mais fácil falar do que fazer adjective

easier said than done(easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
[UK: ˈiː.zɪə(r) ˈsed ðæn dʌn] [US: ˈiː.ziər ˈsed ˈðæn ˈdən]

é melhor prevenir do que remediar phrase

a stitch in time saves nine(a timely effort can prevent larger problems)
[UK: ə stɪtʃ ɪn ˈtaɪm seɪvz naɪn] [US: ə ˈstɪtʃ ɪn ˈtaɪm ˈseɪvz ˈnaɪn]

better safe than sorry(it is preferable to be cautious)
[UK: ˈbe.tə(r) seɪf ðæn ˈsɒ.ri] [US: ˈbe.tər ˈseɪf ˈðæn ˈsɑː.ri]

eu acho que não phrase

I don't think so(I think that what has been said is untrue)
[UK: ˈaɪ dəʊnt ˈθɪŋk ˈsəʊ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈθɪŋk ˈsoʊ]

eu não quero phrase

I don't want itphrase

eu não quero comprar nada phrase

I don't want to buy anythingphrase

eu não quero falar sobre isso phrase

I don't want to talk about itphrase

eu não quero isso phrase

I don't want itphrase

exceção que prova a regra noun

exception that proves the rule(occurrence of counterexample)

exceto que conjunction

[UK: ˈəʊn.li] [US: ˈoʊn.li]

faça aos outros o que quer que façam a você phrase

do unto others as you would have them do unto you(One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself)

fazer o que dá na cabeça verb

fly by the seat of one's pants(to improvise a course of action)

Gato Que Ri proper noun

Cheshire cat(fictional grinning cat)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtʃe.ʃə(r) kæt] [US: ˈtʃe.ʃər kæt]

logo que conjunction

as soon as(immediately after)
[UK: əz suːn əz] [US: ˈæz ˈsuːn ˈæz]

mais do que tudo adverb

most of all(to a greater extent than anything else)
[UK: məʊst əv ɔːl] [US: moʊst əv ɔːl]

mais feio que bater em mãe adjective

ugly as sin(extremely ugly)
[UK: ˈʌ.ɡli əz sɪn] [US: ˈʌ.ɡli ˈæz ˈsɪn]

mais para lá do que para cá preposition

on one's last legs(about to die)
[UK: ɒn wʌnz lɑːst leɡz] [US: ɑːn wʌnz ˈlæst ˈleɡz]

mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando phrase

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush(small but certain advantage is preferable)
[UK: ə bɜːd ɪn ðə hænd ɪz wɜːθ ˈtuː ɪn ðə bʊʃ] [US: ə ˈbɝːd ɪn ðə ˈhænd ˈɪz ˈwɝːθ ˈtuː ɪn ðə ˈbʊʃ]