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mira meaning in English

Emiratos Árabes Unidos proper noun

United Arab Emirates(country in Western Asia)
proper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd ˈær.əb ˈem.ər.əts] [US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈær.əb ˈem.ər.əts]

famirado adjective

hangry(hungry and angry)

Ilhas do Almirantado proper noun

Admiralty Islands(group of islands)
proper noun

Jammu e Caxemira proper noun

Jammu and Kashmir(former princely state)
proper noun
[UK: dʒə.ˈmuː ənd kæʃ.ˈmɪə(r)] [US: dʒə.ˈmuː ænd ˈkæ.ʃmɪr]

língua mirandesa proper noun

Mirandese(Romance language)
proper noun

navio-almirante noun

flagship [flagships](ship occupied by the fleet's commander)
[UK: ˈflæɡ.ʃɪp] [US: ˈflæg.ˌʃɪp]

Palmira proper noun

Palmyra(ancient city)
proper noun
[UK: pæl.ˈmaɪə.rə] [US: pæl.ˈmaɪə.rə]