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guiné meaning in English

Guiné proper noun

Guinea(short form of the Republic of Guinea)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: ˈɡɪ.ni]

Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Guinea-Bissau(Republic of Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡɪ.ni bɪˈsaʊ] [US: ˈɡɪ.ni bɪˈsaʊ]

Guiné Equatorial proper noun

Equatorial Guinea(country in Western Africa)
proper noun
[UK: ˌe.kwə.ˈtɔː.rɪəl ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: ˌi.kwə.ˈtɔː.riəl ˈɡɪ.ni]

guinéu noun

Guinean(someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent)
[UK: ˈɡɪ.nɪən] [US: ˈɡɪ.nɪən]

guinéu adjective

Guinean(from Guinea)
[UK: ˈɡɪ.nɪən] [US: ˈɡɪ.nɪən]

guinéu noun

guinea [guineas](coin worth 21 shillings)
[UK: ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: ˈɡɪ.ni]

guinéu-equatoriano noun

Equatorial Guinean(A person from Equatorial Guinea or of Equatorial Guinean descent)
[UK: ˌe.kwə.ˈtɔː.rɪəl ˈɡɪ.nɪən] [US: ˌi.kwə.ˈtɔː.riəl ˈɡɪ.nɪən]

guinéu-equatoriano adjective

Equatorial Guinean(Of, from, or pertaining to Equatorial Guinea, the Equatorial Guinean people or the Equatorial Guinean culture)
[UK: ˌe.kwə.ˈtɔː.rɪəl ˈɡɪ.nɪən] [US: ˌi.kwə.ˈtɔː.riəl ˈɡɪ.nɪən]

crioulo da Guiné proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo da Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo de Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

galinha-da-guiné noun

guinea fowl [guinea fowls](bird)
[UK: ˈɡɪ.ni faʊl] [US: ˈɡɪ.ni ˈfaʊl]

Golfo da Guiné proper noun

Gulf of Guinea(part of the Atlantic Ocean)
proper noun
[UK: ɡʌlf əv ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: ˈɡəlf əv ˈɡɪ.ni]

Nova Guiné proper noun

New Guinea(large island)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: nuː ˈɡɪ.ni]

Nova Guiné Holandesa proper noun

Dutch New Guinea(Western New Guinea from 1945 to 1962, when it was under Dutch rule)
proper noun

Papua-Nova Guiné proper noun

Papua New Guinea(country in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: ˈpæ.pjʊə njuː ˈɡɪ.ni] [US: ˈpæ.pjuːə nuː ˈɡɪ.ni]

República da Guiné proper noun

Republic of Guinea(official name of Guinea)
proper noun

República da Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Republic of Guinea-Bissau(official name of Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

República da Guiné Equatorial proper noun

Republic of Equatorial Guinea(official name of Equatorial Guinea)
proper noun

verme da Guiné noun

guinea-worm(Dracunculus medinensis)