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feder meaning in English

feder verb

reek [reeked, reeking, reeks](to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell)
[UK: riːk] [US: ˈriːk]

stink [stank, stunk, stinking, stinks](have a strong bad smell)
[UK: stɪŋk] [US: ˈstɪŋk]

federal adjective

federal(pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
[UK: ˈfe.də.rəl] [US: ˈfe.də.rəl]

federalismo noun

federalism(system of government)
[UK: ˈfe.də.rə.lɪ.zəm] [US: ˈfe.də.rə.ˌlɪ.zəm]

federalista adjective

federalist(of or relating to federalism)
[UK: ˈfe.də.rə.lɪst] [US: ˈfe.də.rə.ləst]

federalista noun
{m} {f}

federalist [federalists](advocate of federalism)
[UK: ˈfe.də.rə.lɪst] [US: ˈfe.də.rə.ləst]

federalização noun

federalization(unification of states)
[UK: fˌedərəlaɪzˈeɪʃən] [US: fˌedɚrəlᵻzˈeɪʃən]

federativo adjective

federal(pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
[UK: ˈfe.də.rəl] [US: ˈfe.də.rəl]

federação noun

federation [federations](array of nations or states)
[UK: ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩]

Federação Russa proper noun

Russian Federation(alternative formal name of Russia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈrʌ.ʃən ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˈrʌ.ʃən ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩]

antifederal adjective

anti-federal(opposing federalism)

antifederalismo noun

anti-federalism(opposition to federalism)

antifederalista adjective

anti-federal(opposing federalism)

antifederalista noun
{m} {f}

anti-federalist(one who opposes federalism)
[UK: ˌæn.ti.ˈfe.drə.ləst] [US: ˌæn.ti.ˈfe.drə.ləst]

confederação noun

confederacy(an alliance)
[UK: kən.ˈfe.də.rə.si] [US: kən.ˈfe.də.rə.si]

confederation [confederations](union or alliance of states)
[UK: kən.ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩] [US: kən.ˌfe.də.ˈreɪʃ.n̩]

Confederação Suíça proper noun

Swiss Confederation(Official name of Switzerland)
proper noun

deputado federal noun

congressman(member of congress)
[UK: ˈkɒŋ.ɡre.smən] [US: ˈkɑːŋ.ɡrə.smən]

Distrito Federal proper noun

Federal District(federal district in central-western Brazil)
proper noun

Estados Confederados da América proper noun

Confederate States of America(nation existing from 1861-1865)
proper noun

Estados Federados da Micronésia proper noun

Federated States of Micronesia(official name of Micronesia)
proper noun

governo federal noun

federal government(general term for a federal government)

República Federal da Alemanha proper noun

Federal Republic of Germany(Germany's official name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfe.də.rəl rɪ.ˈpʌ.blɪk əv ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni] [US: ˈfe.də.rəl ri.ˈpʌ.blək əv ˈdʒɝː.mə.ni]

República Federal da Nigéria proper noun

Federal Republic of Nigeria(official name of Nigeria)
proper noun

República Federativa da Nigéria proper noun

Federal Republic of Nigeria(official name of Nigeria)
proper noun

República Federativa do Brasil proper noun

Federative Republic of Brazil(official name of Brazil)
proper noun

República Socialista Federativa da Iugoslávia proper noun

Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992)
proper noun

República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia proper noun

Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992)
proper noun

República Socialista Federativa Soviética da Rússia proper noun

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic(official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union)
proper noun