Polish-English dictionary »

woj meaning in English

wojna noun

the waging of war or armed conflict against an enemy

wojna adjective

damaged as a result of war

wojna atomowa noun

nuclear warnoun
war fought using nuclear weapons

wojna biologiczna noun

biological warfarenoun
use of an organism as a weapon of war

wojna błyskawiczna noun

fast military offensive

wojna domowa noun

civil warnoun
war between factions within a single country

wojna handlowa noun

trade warnoun
practice of nations creating mutual tariffs

wojna hybrydowa noun

hybrid warfarenoun
warfare that blends conventional warfare and irregular warfare

wojna informacyjna noun

information warfarenoun
use of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent

wojna jądrowa noun

nuclear warnoun
war fought using nuclear weapons

wojna krymska noun

Crimean Warnoun

wojna na wyczerpanie noun

war of attritionnoun
prolonged exhausting war

wojna nerwów noun

war of nervesnoun
conflict in which demoralizing and frightening tactics are used

war of nervesnoun
situation in which opposed parties maintain a tense, contentious relationship

wojna nuklearna noun

nuclear warnoun
war fought using nuclear weapons

wojna o niepodległość noun

war of independencenoun
war of independence

wojna partyzancka noun

guerrilla war

guerrilla warfarenoun
fighting using groups of irregular troops

wojna podjazdowa noun

hit and runnoun
military technique

wojna pozycyjna noun

trench warfarenoun
warfare in which opposing sides occupy trenches

wojna psychologiczna noun

psychological warfarenoun
mentally manipulative approach to warfare

wojna religijna

religious war

wojna religijna noun

holy warnoun
primarily religious war

wojna secesyjna noun

American Civil Warnoun
civil war in the United States (1861-1865)

Wojna stuletnia noun

Hundred Years' Warnoun
conflict between France and England

wojna światowa noun

world warnoun
a war involving the major nations of the world

wojna szarpana noun

hit and runnoun
military technique

wojna totalna noun

total warnoun
warfare where all of a country's resources are employed

wojna trojańska noun

Trojan Warnoun
mythological war

wojny gwiezdne noun

Star Warsnoun
Strategic Defense Initiative

wojować verb

to engage in conflict

wojowniczka noun

person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare



warlike spirit

wojowniczość noun

an inclination to war

state of being belligerent

wojowniczy adjective

tending or disposed to aggress

warlike in nature

eager to go to war

given to fighting


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