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w meaning in English

w trudnym położeniu adjective

badly offadjective
In unfortunate circumstances

w tył zwrot noun

military: abrupt turn to face the opposite direction

w tyle głowy noun

back of one's mindnoun

w tym

includingSuch as, among which


w tym adverb

in an inclusive fashion

w tym celu

to that endfor that reason

w tym momencie

at the momentright now

w tym momencie adverb

at the present time

w tym roku adverb

this yearadverb
during the current year

w tym samym czasie

at the same timesimultaneously

w tym samym wieku adjective

of the same age

w tym tempie

at this ratecontinuing at the current pace

w ukryciu

in secret


w większości adverb

by and largeadverb
mostly, generally; with few exceptions

w winie prawda

in wine, there is truthone tells the truth under the influence of alcohol

w wyniku

in the wake ofas a result of

in the wake offollowing

w żadnym wypadku

under no circumstancesnever ever

w zamian

in returnin exchange, as a means of reciprocating

w zamian adverb

in exchangeadverb
as an exchange

w zanadrzu

up one's sleevehidden, in reserve

w żartach

in jestas a joke

w zasadzie

in principleaccording to theory

in principlewith regard to fundamentals

w zasięgu ręki

within arm's reach

w zastoju adjective

without progress

w zeszłym roku noun

last year

w zeszłym roku adverb

last yearadverb
year before this one

w zeszłym tygodniu adverb

last weekadverb
week before this one

w zgodzie z

in agreementthinking the same way

w żółwim tempie

at a turtle's pace

w związku z

in connection with

in relation toconcerning; in reference to

w związku z czym

and therefore

w związku z tym adverb

as a result, therefore

w żywe oczy



w.c. noun

abbreviation for water closet