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w meaning in English

w najgorszym przypadku adverb

at the very leastadverb
as an absolute minimum

worst-case scenarioadverb

w najgorszym razie adverb

worst comes to worstadverb
if a bad situation develops

w najgorszym wypadku adverb

worst comes to worstadverb
if a bad situation develops

w najlepszym razie

at bestin the most favorable of conditions

w najlepszym wypadku

at bestin the most favorable of conditions

w następstwie

in the wake offollowing

w naturze adverb

in kindadverb
with goods or services

w nawiasach

in bracketsbetween parentheses

w niebo adverb

toward heaven

toward the heavens, skyward

w niekapłański sposób adjective


w niezgodzie

at oddsin disagreement; conflicting

at sixes and sevensin a state of dispute or disagreement

w nocy wszystkie koty są czarne

all cats are grey in the darkproverb

w obecnej formie

as it standsin the current state or circumstances

w obecności

in front ofin the presence of someone

in the presence of

w objęciach Morfeusza

in the arms of Morpheusasleep, sleeping

w obliczu

in front ofin the presence of someone

in the face of

up against

w obliczu śmierci adverb

in articulo mortisadverb
at the moment of death

w oddali adverb

at, to or from a great distance

w odniesieniu do

in respect ofpertaining to

w ogniu adjective

on fire

w ogóle

at largein general

w ogóle adverb

at alladverb
to the slightest degree, in any way

in generaladverb
in the general case

in any way

w ogólnym rozrachunku

as a wholeconsidered all together

w osobie

in the person of

w ostateczności

in a pinchin a difficult situation

w ostatecznym rozrachunku

at the end of the dayin summary; ultimately

in the endeventually, finally

when all is said and donein the end

w ostatniej chwili

at the last minutevery close to a deadline

w paszczy lwa noun

lion's dennoun
a dangerous or frightening place

w pełnej krasie

in all one's gloryliterally

w pełni

at large(obsolete in English) in full


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