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robić meaning in English

zrobić różnicę verb

make a differenceverb
be of importance

make a differenceverb
carry out an action the result of which is significant

zrobić się verb

to assume a condition or quality

zrobić swoje verb

do one's bitverb
to make an individual contribution toward an overall effort

zrobić wielkie oczy

go wide-eyed

zrobić wielkie oczy (literally make big eyes̠) adjective

astonished or surprised

zrobić z siebie widowisko verb

make a spectacle of oneselfverb
To embarrass oneself or others in public

make an exhibition of oneselfverb
to embarrass oneself in public

zrobić zakupy verb

to visit shops

łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić adjective

easier said than doneadjective
easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish