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polska meaning in English

Polska noun

European country

Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa

People's Republic of Poland

Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa noun

Polish People's Republicnoun
former country

filologia polska noun

Polish studiesnoun
academic discipline

jeszcze Polska nie zginęła

hope springs eternalthe feeling of hopefulness endlessly renews itself

Małopolska noun

Lesser Polandnoun
a historical region of Poland

Młoda Polska noun

Young Polandnoun
modernist movement in Poland

Notacja polska noun

Polish notationnoun
notation for arithmetic formulae

odwrotna notacja polska noun

reverse Polish notationnoun
an arithmetic notation

Rzeczpospolita Polska noun

Republic of Polandnoun
official name of Poland

Wielkopolska noun

Greater Polandnoun
region of Poland

Zatoka Sewastopolska

Sevastopol Bay

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