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pierwsza meaning in English

pierwsza noun

one o'clocknoun
the start of the second hour

pierwsza adjective

mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity

pierwsza adverb

indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")

pierwsza dama noun

First Ladynoun
the wife of the President of a country

pierwsza dziesiątka noun

top tennoun

pierwsza komunia

first Holy Communion

pierwsza komunia noun

First Communionnoun
celebration consisting of a mass and a party

First Communionnoun
first time that a person receives the sacrament of Communion

Pierwsza Księga Kronik noun

1 Chroniclesnoun
book of the Bible

Pierwsza Księga Królewska noun

1 Kingsnoun
book of the Bible

Pierwsza Księga Machabejska noun

1 Maccabeesnoun
first book of Maccabees

Pierwsza Księga Samuela noun

1 Samuelnoun
book of the Bible

pierwsza kwadra noun

crescent moonnoun
the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter

first quarternoun
waxing lunar phase

pierwsza miłość noun

first lovenoun
one's first feeling of romantic love

pierwsza oferta publiczna noun

initial public offeringnoun
first offering to members of the public of stock in a company

pierwsza osoba noun

first personnoun
the form of a pronoun verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement

pierwsza pomoc noun

first aidnoun
basic care

pierwsza wojna światowa

First World War

pierwsza wojna światowa noun

World War Inoun

pierwszak noun

a person of either sex entering the first year of an institution

dwudziesta pierwsza

9 PM

godzina pierwsza noun

one o'clocknoun
the start of the second hour

godzina pierwsza adverb

indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")

liczba pierwsza noun

prime numbernoun
natural number

liczba półpierwsza noun

number that is the product of two primes

sto pierwsza adjective

ordinal number

ordinal number

względnie pierwsza adjective

coprime(of a positive integer) having no factor in common with...