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państwo meaning in English


Mrs. and Mr.

Państwo pronoun

subject pronoun: the person being addressed

państwo noun

nation state

people of superior social position

Mr. and Mrs.noun
Title of a married couple

a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy

any sovereign polity

państwo członkowskie noun

member statenoun
state that is a member of a confederation

Państwo Erytrea noun

State of Eritreanoun
official name of Eritrea

państwo federalne noun

federal statenoun
sovereign state that is a federation

Państwo Islamskie noun

Islamic Statenoun
jihadist group

Państwo Izrael noun

State of Israelnoun
country (official name)

Państwo Katar noun

State of Qatarnoun
official name of Qatar

Państwo Kościelne

States of the Church

Państwo Kościelne noun

Papal Statesnoun

Państwo Libia noun

State of Libyanoun
country (official name)

państwo marionetkowe noun

puppet statenoun
state governed by a puppet government

państwo młodzi

bride and groom

the newlyweds

państwo narodowe noun

nation state or nation-state

państwo opiekuńcze noun

welfare statenoun
country in which such a system operates

welfare statenoun
social system in which the state takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens

państwo policyjne noun

police statenoun
nation whose government controls people by police

państwo satelickie noun

satellite statenoun
country that is only formally independent

państwo suwerenne noun

sovereign statenoun
completely independent state

państwo unitarne noun

unitary statenoun
state that is governed as a single unit

państwo uzależnione noun

client statenoun
state that is subordinate

państwo w państwie


puppet nation


Państwo Watykańskie noun

Vatican City Statenoun
official name of Vatican City

państwo wyspiarskie noun

island statenoun
state consisting of one or more islands

państwo założycielskie noun

founding membernoun
member of an organization that was involved in the organization's foundation

państwo zbójeckie noun

rogue statenoun
state or nation acting outside of the accepted international norms and policies

Państwo Środka noun

Middle Kingdomnoun
nickname for China

państwowość noun

property of being a state

państwowy adjective

owned by the government

antypaństwowy adjective

opposed to the state

bezpaństwowiec adjective

stateless(law) without a state or nationality

bezpaństwowość noun

property of being stateless