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drugi meaning in English

drugi noun

first matenoun
nautical: officer next in rank to the captain

drugi adjective

relating to or being the second of two items

second (numeral)

that comes after the first

second in a series

drugi dzień świąt noun

Boxing Daynoun
the day after Christmas: 26 December

drugi dżentelmen

second gentleman

Drugi List [[św.]] Piotra noun

2 Peternoun
Book of the Bible

Drugi List Piotra noun

2 Peternoun
Book of the Bible

Drugi List świętego Piotra Apostoła noun

2 Peternoun
Book of the Bible

drugi oddech noun

second windnoun
renewed feeling of energy

drugi pilot noun

relief or assistant pilot of an aircraft

drugi plan noun

less important feature

part of picture

drugi raz adjective

renewed commitment to Jesus Christ

Drugi Świat noun

Second Worldnoun
countries aligned with the East during the Cold War

drugie danie

second course

drugie danie noun

main coursenoun
main dish of a meal

drugie ja noun

alter egonoun
alternate personality or persona

co drugi adjective

every secondadjective
every other; each alternate

domena drugiego poziomu noun

second-level domainnoun
subordinate domain

dwudziesty drugi adjective

the ordinal form of the number twenty-two

grać drugie skrzypce verb

play second fiddleverb

jeden drugiego pronoun

each otherpronoun
to one another; one to the other

jeden drugiemu pronoun

each otherpronoun
to one another; one to the other

jeden po drugim adverb

one after anotheradverb
in single file

one by oneadverb

jeden za drugim adverb

one after anotheradverb
in single file

one by oneadverb

jednym uchem wchodzi, a drugim wychodzi verb

go in one ear and out the otherverb
to be heard but not attended to

kiedy jedne drzwi się zamykają, drugie się otwierają

when one door closes, another opens

na drugi raz noun

next timenoun
on the following occasion

nadstawiać drugi policzek verb

turn the other cheekverb
accept injury without revenge

nadstawić drugi policzek verb

turn the other cheekverb
accept injury without revenge

nie rób drugiemu, co tobie niemiłe

do as you would be done by

obywatel drugiej kategorii

second-class citizen

po drugie

second of all

po drugie adverb

in the second place

po drugiej stronie

acrosson the opposite side

po drugiej stronie noun

a liquid container


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