Polish-English dictionary »

-my meaning in English

sposób myślenia noun

a way of thinking

stróż pchnął kość w quiz gędźb vel fax my

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogpangram

szara mysz noun

plain Janenoun
young woman of average or unremarkable appearance

szwarc, mydło i powidło

everything from soup to nuts

tok myślenia noun

train of thoughtnoun
flow of thinking

trąbka myśliwska noun

hunting hornnoun
bugle used during a hunt

ubogi jak mysz kościelna

poor as a church mousevery poor

widzieć białe myszki

see pink elephants

wielkie umysły myślą tak samo

great minds think alikeused to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion

zbierać myśli verb

collect one's thoughtsverb

pause and get organized again (intransitive)

zebrać myśli verb

collect one's thoughtsverb

pause and get organized again (intransitive)