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-ś meaning in English

taniec śmierci noun

danse macabrenoun
a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing

tego kwiatu jest pół światu

there are plenty more fish in the sea

there are plenty of fish in the seathere are more opportunities available

ten sśmieje, kto sśmieje ostatni

he who laughs last, laughs best

he who laughs last laughs bestsuccess is better after you've endured ridicule

terapeutyczne użycie pierwiastków śladowych noun

therapeutic use of trace elements

trafiło sślepej kurze ziarno

a stopped clock is right twice a daysomething or someone unreliable is right sometimes, even by accident

even a blind pig finds a truffle sometimes

even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a whilebeing right once doesn't prove anything

even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while

even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes

tryb ścięty noun

jussive mood

trzeci świat noun

Third Worldnoun
countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war

Third Worldnoun
developing countries

Trzeci Świat noun

Third Worldnoun
countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war

Third Worldnoun
developing countries

trzecia wojna światowa

World War III

trzeźwy jak świnia adjective

sober as a judgeadjective
completely sober

Trójca Święta noun

Holy Trinitynoun
the three persons of the Godhead

an island of the Caribbean

Christianity: three persons of the Godhead

state of being threefold

tylne światło noun

rear mounted lights on a vehicle

sknota za dalekim światem noun

itchy feetnoun
desire to travel

u progu śmierci

at death's doorabout to die

ucho środkowe noun

middle earnoun
cavity in the ear

uderzać w ślinę verb

slang: kiss passionately

ujrzeć światłość verb

see the lightverb
undergo a spiritual conversion

umierać ze śmiechu verb

laugh one's head offverb
laugh uproariously

umowa śmieciowa noun

zero-hour contractnoun

uwaga - nawierzchnia śliska, gdy mokra

caution - slippery when wetwarning against slippery floor

uważać się za pępek świata verb

think the world revolves around oneverb

w cały świat adjective

behaving erratically or uncontrollably

w imię Ojca i Syna, i Ducha Świętego

in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

w kraju ślepców jednooki jest królem

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingIn the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

w obliczu śmierci adverb

in articulo mortisadverb
at the moment of death

w ślad za

followingsubsequent to

in the wake offollowing

w ślimaczym tempie

at a snail's pace

w średnim wieku adjective

of, or relating to middle age