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de mens betekenis in Engels

de mens eigennam

Man(genus Homo)
proper noun
[UK: mæn] [US: ˈmæn]

de mens wikt phrase

man proposes, God disposes(things don't always work out as they were planned)
[UK: mæn prə.ˈpəʊ.zɪz ɡɒd dɪ.ˈspəʊ.zɪz] [US: ˈmæn prəˈpo.ʊ.zɪz ˈɡɑːd dɪˈspo.ʊ.zɪz]

misdaad tegen de menselijkheid substantief

crime against humanity(a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against, a body of people)

misdaad tegen de mensheid substantief

crime against humanity(a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against, a body of people)

rechten van de mens substantief

human rights [human rights](set of basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed)
[UK: ˈhjuː.mən raɪts] [US: ˈhjuː.mən ˈraɪts]

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