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tata meaning in English

tata noun

dad [dads](informal: a father)
[UK: dæd] [US: ˈdæd]
Where are you going, Dad? = Quo is, tata?

daddy [daddies](father)
[UK: ˈdæ.di] [US: ˈdæ.di]
Daddy's working. = Tata opus facit.

pop [pops](father, see also: )
[UK: pɒp] [US: ˈpɑːp]

tataricus adjective

Tatar(Tatar (adjective))
[UK: ˈtæ.tə(r)] [US: ˈtæ.tər]

acceptatus [acceptata -um, acceptatior -or -us, acceptatissimus -a -um] adjective

acceptable, welcome, pleasingadjective

acutatus [acutata, acutatum] adjective

[UK: ˈʃɑː.pənd] [US: ˈʃɑːr.pənd]

adfectatus [adfectata, adfectatum] adjective

studied, artificial, affectedadjective

adoptata [adoptatae] (1st) F

adopted daughternoun

adstatus [adstata, adstatum] adjective

armed with a spear / spearsadjective

adtestatus [adtestata, adtestatum] adjective

confirmatory, corroboratoryadjective

affectatus [affectata, affectatum] adjective

studied, artificial, affectedadjective

agitatus [agitata -um, agitatior -or -us, agitatissimus -a -um] adjective

agile, animated, briskadjective

apostata [apostatae] (1st) M

apostate [apostates]noun
[UK: ə.ˈpɒ.steɪt] [US: ə.ˈpɒ.steɪt]

bad / wicked mannoun

apostato [apostatare, apostatavi, apostatatus] (1st) INTRANS

fall away (from), apostatize, forsake one's religionverb

argentatus [argentata, argentatum] adjective

concerned with moneyadjective

silvered, adorned with silveradjective

aristatus [aristata, aristatum] adjective

having awn or beard (of ear of grain)adjective

artatus [artata, artatum] adjective

contracted into a small spaceadjective

narrow, closeadjective

short (time)adjective
[UK: ʃɔːt] [US: ˈʃɔːrt]

astatus [astata, astatum] adjective

armed with a spear / spearsadjective

atatae interjection

ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment / surprise / fear / warning)interjection

atatatae interjection

ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment / surprise / fear / warning)interjection

attatae interjection

ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment / surprise / fear / warning)interjection

attattatae interjection

ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment / surprise / fear / warning)interjection

attestatus [attestata, attestatum] adjective

confirmatory, corroboratoryadjective

augustatus [augustata, augustatum] adjective

[UK: ˈkɒn.sɪ.kreɪ.tɪd] [US: ˈkɑːn.sə.ˌkre.təd]

made venerableadjective

capitatus [capitata, capitatum] adjective

having or forming a headadjective

catafractatus [catafractata, catafractatum] adjective

wearing / equipped with mail armor, armoredadjective

citatus [citata -um, citatior -or -us, citatissimus -a -um] adjective

early [earlier, earliest]adjective
[UK: ˈɜː.li] [US: ˈɝː.li]

full gallopadjective
[UK: fʊl ˈɡæ.ləp] [US: ˈfʊl ˈɡæ.ləp]

loose (bowels)adjective
[UK: luːs] [US: ˈluːs]

quick, swiftadjective

speeded up, hurried, urged onadjective

coelementatus [coelementata, coelementatum] adjective

composed of the elementsadjective

coexercitatus [coexercitata, coexercitatum] adjective

that is practiced together / at same timeadjective

cogitatus [cogitata, cogitatum] adjective

[UK: dɪ.ˈlɪ.bə.reɪt] [US: də.ˈlɪ.bə.rət]

collatatus [collatata, collatatum] adjective

[UK: dɪ.ˈfjuːz] [US: də.ˈfjuːs]