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qua meaning in English

quicumque [quaecumque, quodcumque]

(w / -cumque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small

quicunque [quaecunque, quodcunque]

(w / -cunque) who / whatever, no matter who / what, in any time / way, however small

quidam [quaedam, quoddam]

(w / -dam) certain

as INDEF a certain thing

somebody, one, something

quilibet [quaelibet, quodlibet]

(w / -libet) whatever, whichever, no matter, what you please

(w / -libet) whoever / whatever you please

any whatever

anyone / anything whatever

quilubet [quaelubet, quodlubet]

(w / -lubet) whatever, whichever, no matter, what you please

(w / -lubet) whoever / whatever you please

any whatever

anyone / anything whatever

quinam [quaenam, quodnam]

(w / -nam) who then

which, I insist

who in the world

quisnam [quaenam, quidnam] INTERR

(w / -nam) who?


who in the world?

who then?

quispiam [quaepiam, quidpiam] ADJECT

(w / -piam) any / somebody, any, some, any / something

quisquam [quaequam, quidquam] ADJECT

(w / -quam) any

any man, any person

anyone / anybody (no pl.) (INDEF) anything

quisque [quaeque, quidque] ADJECT

(w / -que) any

each[UK: iːtʃ] [US: ˈiːtʃ]

quisque [quaeque, quodque] ADJECT

(w / -que) each, each one

every, everybody, everything (more than 2)

whatever[UK: wɒt.ˈev.ə(r)] [US: hwʌt.ˈev.r̩]

quaero [quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus] (3rd)

ask, inquire, demandverb

obtain [obtained, obtaining, obtains]verb
[UK: əb.ˈteɪn] [US: əb.ˈteɪn]

search for, seek, strive forverb

quaerito [quaeritare, quaeritavi, quaeritatus] (1st)

seek, search forverb

quaeso [quaesere, -, -] (3rd)

beg, ask, ask for, seekverb

quaesitus [quaesita -um, quaesitior -or -us, quaesitissimus -a -um] adjective

artificial, studied, affectedadjective

[UK: sɪ.ˈlekt] [US: sə.ˈlekt]

special, sought out, looked foradjective

quaesitum [quaesiti] (2nd) N

gain, acquisition, earningsnoun

question, inquirynoun

quaesitio [quaesitionis] (3rd) F

inquisition [inquisitions]noun
[UK: ˌɪn.kwɪ.ˈzɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌɪn.kwə.ˈzɪʃ.n̩]