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primum meaning in English

primum adverb

at firstadverb
[UK: ət ˈfɜːst] [US: ət ˈfɝːst]

in the first placeadverb
[UK: ɪn ðə ˈfɜːst ˈpleɪs] [US: ɪn ðə ˈfɝːst ˈpleɪs]

primus [prima, primum] adjective

first, foremost / best, chief, principaladjective

nearest / nextadjective

adprimus [adprima, adprimum] adjective

very first, most excellentadjective

apprimus [apprima, apprimum] adjective

very first, most excellentadjective

null piscis primum a capite foetet phrase

the fish rots from the head(proverb)

primitus, primum preposition

at first(initially; at the start)
[UK: ət ˈfɜːst] [US: ət ˈfɝːst]

quam primum, quam celerrime adverb

as soon as possible(as soon as is possible)
[UK: əz suːn əz ˈpɒ.səb.l̩] [US: ˈæz ˈsuːn ˈæz ˈpɑː.səb.l̩]

quamprimum adverb

to the highest degree possibleadverb