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ecclesia meaning in English

ecclesia [ecclesiae] (1st) F

assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek)noun

church [churches]noun
[UK: tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

Universal) Church (Difnoun

ecclesia, basilica noun

church [churches]noun
[UK: tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

Ecclesia Anglicana proper noun

Church of England(established Christian church in England)
proper noun

Ecclesia Catholica noun

Catholic Church(24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome)
[UK: ˈkæθ.lɪk tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈkæθ.lɪk ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

Ecclesia Catholica Romana proper noun

Roman Catholic Church(Catholic Church)
proper noun

Ecclesia Chaldaeorum Catholica proper noun

Chaldean Catholic Church(an Eastern Catholic particular church)
proper noun

Ecclesia Iesu Christi Diebus Ultimis Sanctorum proper noun

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
proper noun

Ecclesia Orthodoxa noun

Orthodox Church(the Eastern body of Christendom)
[UK: ˈɔː.θə.dɒks tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈɔːr.θə.ˌdɑːks ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

ecclesialis [ecclesialis, ecclesiale] adjective

ecclesial, ecclesiasticaladjective

of / pertaining to church / clergymanadjective

Ecclesiastes [Ecclesiastis] (3rd) M

Ecclesiastes, Book of Bible / OTnoun

The Preachernoun

ecclesiasticus [ecclesiastica, ecclesiasticum] adjective

ecclesiastic, canonical, of / belonging to the Churchadjective

of book of Sirachadjective

ecclesiasticum [ecclesiastici] (2nd) N

Church rites (pl.)noun

ecclesiasticus [ecclesiastici] (2nd) M

book of Sirachnoun

church membernoun

churchman, ecclesiasticnoun

one of the Aeonsnoun

aecclesia [aecclesiae] (1st) F

assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek)noun

church [churches]noun
[UK: tʃɜːtʃ] [US: ˈtʃɝːtʃ]

the (Universal) Church (Dif)noun

(Classical) Magnes, (Ecclesiastical) Magnesiensis noun
{m}, MagneSSa {f}

Magnesian(inhabitant or a resident of Magnesia)
[UK: maɡnˈiːziən] [US: mæɡnˈiːʒən]

haereseus (Ecclesiastical) noun
{m} (Mediaeval), haereSiacuS {m} (Mediaeval), haereticuS {m}

heretic(someone who believes contrary to fundamentals)
[UK: ˈhe.rə.tɪk] [US: ˈhe.rə.tɪk]

lingua Latina Ecclesiastica proper noun

Ecclesiastical Latin(Latin language)
proper noun